Penelope Sanderson
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Zitiert von
Modeling and predicting mental workload in en route air traffic control: Critical review and broader implications
S Loft, P Sanderson, A Neal, M Mooij
Human factors 49 (3), 376-399, 2007
Exploratory sequential data analysis: Foundations
PM Sanderson, C Fisher
Human–Computer Interaction 9 (3-4), 251-317, 1994
Interruptions in healthcare: theoretical views
T Grundgeiger, P Sanderson
International journal of medical informatics 78 (5), 293-307, 2009
MacSHAPA and the enterprise of exploratory sequential data analysis (ESDA)
P Sanderson, J Scott, T Johnston, J Mainzer, L Watanabe, J James
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 41 (5), 633-681, 1994
The human planning and scheduling role in advanced manufacturing systems: An emerging human factors domain
PM Sanderson
Human Factors 31 (6), 635-666, 1989
Verbalizable knowledge and skilled task performance: Association, dissociation, and mental models.
PM Sanderson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 15 (4), 729, 1989
Object displays do not always support better integrated task performance
PM Sanderson, JM Flach, MA Buttigieg, EJ Casey
Human Factors 31 (2), 183-198, 1989
Interruption management in the intensive care unit: Predicting resumption times and assessing distributed support.
T Grundgeiger, P Sanderson, HG MacDougall, B Venkatesh
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 16 (4), 317, 2010
Designing teams for first-of-a-kind, complex systems using the initial phases of cognitive work analysis: Case study
N Naikar, B Pearce, D Drumm, PM Sanderson
Human factors 45 (2), 202-217, 2003
Sonification supports eyes-free respiratory monitoring and task time-sharing
M Watson, P Sanderson
Human factors 46 (3), 497-517, 2004
Evaluating design proposals for complex systems with work domain analysis
N Naikar, PM Sanderson
Human Factors 43 (4), 529-542, 2001
Anesthesia alarms in context: an observational study
FJ Seagull, PM Sanderson
Human Factors 43 (1), 66-78, 2001
Learnability and discriminability of melodic medical equipment alarms
PM Sanderson, A Wee, P Lacherez
Anaesthesia 61 (2), 142-147, 2006
Designing for attention with sound: challenges and extensions to ecological interface design
MO Watson, PM Sanderson
Human factors 49 (2), 331-346, 2007
Emergent features in visual display design for two types of failure detection tasks
MA Buttigieg, PM Sanderson
Human factors 33 (6), 631-651, 1991
Are melodic medical equipment alarms easily learned?
AN Wee, PM Sanderson
Anesthesia & Analgesia 106 (2), 501-508, 2008
Work domain analysis for training-system definition and acquisition
N Naikar
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 9 (3), 271-290, 1999
Barriers to adverse event and error reporting in anesthesia
GC Heard, PM Sanderson, RD Thomas
Anesthesia & Analgesia 114 (3), 604-614, 2012
Overlapping melodic alarms are almost indiscriminable
P Lacherez, E Limin Seah, P Sanderson
Human factors 49 (4), 637-645, 2007
Advanced patient monitoring displays: tools for continuous informing
PM Sanderson, MO Watson, WJ Russell
Anesthesia & Analgesia 101 (1), 161-168, 2005
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