Mahrokh G. Shayesteh
Mahrokh G. Shayesteh
Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia University
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Cited by
Robust algorithm for brain magnetic resonance image (MRI) classification based on GARCH variances series
H Kalbkhani, MG Shayesteh, B Zali-Vargahan
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (6), 909-919, 2013
On the error probability of linearly modulated signals on frequency-flat Ricean, Rayleigh, and AWGN channels
MG Shayesteh, A Aghamohammadi
IEEE Transactions on Communications 43 (2/3/4), 1454-1466, 1995
Robust timing and frequency synchronization for OFDM systems
H Abdzadeh-Ziabari, MG Shayesteh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (8), 3646-3656, 2011
Efficient contrast enhancement of images using hybrid ant colony optimisation, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing
P Hoseini, MG Shayesteh
Digital Signal Processing 23 (3), 879-893, 2013
Stockwell transform for epileptic seizure detection from EEG signals
H Kalbkhani, MG Shayesteh
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 38, 108-118, 2017
FIR filter design using a new window function
MG Shayesteh, M Mottaghi-Kashtiban
2009 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1-6, 2009
New efficient window function, replacement for the Hamming window
M Mottaghi-Kashtiban, MG Shayesteh
IET Signal Processing 5 (5), 499-505, 2011
High speed detection of potato and clod using an acoustic based intelligent system
A Hosainpour, MH Komarizade, A Mahmoudi, MG Shayesteh
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (10), 12101-12106, 2011
Energy efficient uplink transmission in cooperative mmWave NOMA networks with wireless power transfer
A Khazali, D Tarchi, MG Shayesteh, H Kalbkhani, A Bozorgchenani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (1), 391-405, 2021
Sleep stages classification from EEG signal based on Stockwell transform
P Ghasemzadeh, H Kalbkhani, MG Shayesteh
IET signal processing 13 (2), 242-252, 2019
Classification of wood surface defects with hybrid usage of statistical and textural features
A Mahram, MG Shayesteh, S Jafarpour
2012 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2012
Energy-efficient power allocation and user selection for mmWave-NOMA transmission in M2M communications underlaying cellular heterogeneous networks
S Sobhi-Givi, MG Shayesteh, H Kalbkhani
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (9), 9866-9881, 2020
Adaptive handover algorithm in heterogeneous femtocellular networks based on received signal strength and signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise ratio prediction
H Kalbkhani, S Yousefi, MG Shayesteh
IET Communications 8 (17), 3061-3071, 2014
Framework for image retrieval using machine learning and statistical similarity matching techniques
M Fakheri, T Sedghi, MG Shayesteh, MC Amirani
IET Image Processing 7 (1), 1-11, 2013
Recognition of different datasets using PCA, LDA, and various classifiers
N Panahi, MG Shayesteh, S Mihandoost, BZ Varghahan
2011 5th International Conference on Application of Information and …, 2011
Classification of sleep stages based on LSTAR model
P Ghasemzadeh, H Kalbkhani, S Sartipi, MG Shayesteh
Applied Soft Computing 75, 523-536, 2019
An improved timing estimation method for OFDM systems
H Abdzadeh-Ziabari, MG Shayesteh, M Manaffar
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (4), 2098-2105, 2010
Diagnosing of autism spectrum disorder based on GARCH variance series for rs-fMRI data
S Sartipi, MG Shayesteh, H Kalbkhani
2018 9th international symposium on telecommunications (IST), 86-90, 2018
Novel coarse timing synchronization methods in OFDM systems using fourth-order statistics
A Mohebbi, H Abdzadeh-Ziabari, MG Shayesteh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 64 (5), 1904-1917, 2014
Efficient algorithms for detection of face, eye and eye state
H Kalbkhani, MG Shayesteh, S Mohsen Mousavi
IET Computer Vision 7 (3), 184-200, 2013
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Articles 1–20