Elisabetta Arca
Elisabetta Arca
Lecturer in Experimental Physics, Newcastle University
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A map of the inorganic ternary metal nitrides
W Sun, CJ Bartel, E Arca, SR Bauers, B Matthews, B Orvaņanos, ...
Nature materials 18 (7), 732-739, 2019
Thermodynamic routes to novel metastable nitrogen-rich nitrides
W Sun, A Holder, B Orvaņanos, E Arca, A Zakutayev, S Lany, G Ceder
Chemistry of Materials 29 (16), 6936-6946, 2017
Magnesium, nitrogen codoped Cr2O3: A p-type transparent conducting oxide
E Arca, K Fleischer, IV Shvets
Applied Physics Letters 99 (11), 2011
High efficiency Si photocathode protected by multifunctional GaN nanostructures
S Vanka, E Arca, S Cheng, K Sun, GA Botton, G Teeter, Z Mi
Nano letters 18 (10), 6530-6537, 2018
Influence of the precursors and chemical composition of the solution on the properties of ZnO thin films grown by spray pyrolysis
E Arca, K Fleischer, IV Shvets
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (50), 21074-21081, 2009
Improving solar cell efficiency with optically optimised TCO layers
K Fleischer, E Arca, IV Shvets
Solar energy materials and solar cells 101, 262-269, 2012
Redox-mediated stabilization in zinc molybdenum nitrides
E Arca, S Lany, JD Perkins, C Bartel, J Mangum, W Sun, A Holder, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (12), 4293-4301, 2018
Nonpassivated silicon anode surface
Y Yin, E Arca, L Wang, G Yang, M Schnabel, L Cao, C Xiao, H Zhou, P Liu, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (23), 26593-26600, 2020
Enhanced Interfacial Stability of Si Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries via Surface SiO2 Coating
M Schnabel, E Arca, Y Ha, C Stetson, G Teeter, SD Han, P Stradins
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (9), 8842-8849, 2020
Surface SiO2 Thickness Controls Uniform-to-Localized Transition in Lithiation of Silicon Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
M Schnabel, SP Harvey, E Arca, C Stetson, G Teeter, C Ban, P Stradins
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (24), 27017-27028, 2020
Valence band modification of Cr 2 O 3 by Ni-doping: creating a high figure of merit p-type TCO
E Arca, AB Kehoe, TD Veal, A Shmeliov, DO Scanlon, C Downing, D Daly, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (47), 12610-12618, 2017
Effect of Chemical Precursors On the Optical and Electrical Properties of p-Type Transparent Conducting Cr2O3:(Mg,N)
E Arca, K Fleischer, SA Krasnikov, I Shvets
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (42), 21901-21907, 2013
Assessing the potential of Mg-doped Cr2O3 as a novel p-type transparent conducting oxide
AB Kehoe, E Arca, DO Scanlon, IV Shvets, GW Watson
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (12), 125501, 2016
Zn 2 SbN 3: growth and characterization of a metastable photoactive semiconductor
E Arca, JD Perkins, S Lany, A Mis, BR Chen, P Dippo, JL Partridge, ...
Materials Horizons 6 (8), 1669-1674, 2019
Band edge positions and their impact on the simulated device performance of ZnSnN2-based solar cells
E Arca, A Fioretti, S Lany, AC Tamboli, G Teeter, C Melamed, J Pan, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (1), 110-117, 2017
Tuning the crystallographic, morphological, optical and electrical properties of ZnO: Al grown by spray pyrolysis
E Arca, K Fleischer, I Shvets
Thin Solid Films 555, 9-12, 2014
Raman spectra of p-type transparent semiconducting Cr2O3: Mg
K Fleischer, D Caffrey, L Farrell, E Norton, D Mullarkey, E Arca, IV Shvets
Thin Solid Films 594, 245-249, 2015
Towards high rate Li metal anodes: enhanced performance at high current density in a superconcentrated ionic liquid
K Periyapperuma, E Arca, S Harvey, C Ban, A Burrell, DR MacFarlane, ...
Journal of materials chemistry A 8 (7), 3574-3579, 2020
Aluminium doped Zn1− xMgxO—A transparent conducting oxide with tunable optical and electrical properties
K Fleischer, E Arca, C Smith, IV Shvets
Applied Physics Letters 101 (12), 2012
High Current Cycling in a Superconcentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolyte to Promote Uniform Li Morphology and a Uniform LiF-Rich Solid Electrolyte Interphase
K Periyapperuma, E Arca, S Harvey, T Pathirana, C Ban, A Burrell, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (37), 42236-42247, 2020
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Articles 1–20