Juan F. Salazar
Juan F. Salazar
Full Professor, Universidad de Antioquia
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Effects of urbanization on the temperature inversion breakup in a mountain valley with implications for air quality
AM Rendón, JF Salazar, CA Palacio, V Wirth, B Brötz
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 53 (4), 840-858, 2014
The ecology of peace: preparing Colombia for new political and planetary climates
A Salazar, A Sanchez, JC Villegas, JF Salazar, D Ruiz Carrascal, S Sitch, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (9), 525-531, 2018
Forest‐induced exponential growth of precipitation along climatological wind streamlines over the Amazon
RD Molina, JF Salazar, JA Martínez, JC Villegas, PA Arias
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (5), 2589-2599, 2019
WRF downscaling improves ERA-Interim representation of precipitation around a tropical Andean valley during El Niño: implications for GCM-scale simulation of precipitation over …
JA Posada-Marín, AM Rendón, JF Salazar, JF Mejía, JC Villegas
Climate Dynamics 52, 3609-3629, 2019
Trade-off between urban heat island mitigation and air quality in urban valleys
JJ Henao, AM Rendón, JF Salazar
Urban Climate 31, 100542, 2020
Temperature inversion breakup with impacts on air quality in urban valleys influenced by topographic shading
AM Rendón, JF Salazar, CA Palacio, V Wirth
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 54 (2), 302-321, 2015
Spatial-temporal dynamics of deforestation and its drivers indicate need for locally-adapted environmental governance in Colombia
A González-González, JC Villegas, N Clerici, JF Salazar
Ecological Indicators 126, 107695, 2021
Scaling properties reveal regulation of river flows in the Amazon through a “forest reservoir”
JF Salazar, JC Villegas, AM Rendón, E Rodríguez, I Hoyos, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (3), 1735-1748, 2018
Habitability models for astrobiology
A Méndez, EG Rivera-Valentín, D Schulze-Makuch, J Filiberto, ...
Astrobiology 21 (8), 1017-1027, 2021
Spatio-temporal assessment of Gridded precipitation products across topographic and climatic gradients in Colombia
S Valencia, DE Marín, D Gómez, N Hoyos, JF Salazar, JC Villegas
Atmospheric Research 285, 106643, 2023
Sub-kilometer dispersion simulation of a CO tracer for an inter-Andean urban valley
JJ Henao, JF Mejía, AM Rendón, JF Salazar
Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (5), 928-945, 2020
Tipping the ENSO into a permanent El Niño can trigger state transitions in global terrestrial ecosystems
M Duque-Villegas, JF Salazar, AM Rendón
Earth System Dynamics 10 (4), 631-650, 2019
GRACE reveals depletion of water storage in northwestern South America between ENSO extremes
S Bolaños, JF Salazar, T Betancur, M Werner
Journal of Hydrology 596, 125687, 2021
Role of a simplified hydrological cycle and clouds in regulating the climate–biota system of Daisyworld
JF Salazar, G Poveda
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 61 (2), 483-497, 2009
Benchmarking global hydrological and land surface models against GRACE in a medium-size tropical basin
S Bolaños Chavarría, M Werner, JF Salazar
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-31, 2021
Daytime air pollution transport mechanisms in stable atmospheres of narrow versus wide urban valleys
AM Rendón, JF Salazar, V Wirth
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 20, 1101-1118, 2020
Peace and the environment at the crossroads: Elections in a conflict-troubled biodiversity hotspot
A Salazar, A Sanchez, JS Dukes, JF Salazar, N Clerici, E Lasso, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 135, 77-85, 2022
River flow response to deforestation: Contrasting results from different models
JA Posada-Marín, JF Salazar
Water Security 15, 100115, 2022
Differential Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown and Regional Fire on the Air Quality of Medellín, Colombia
JJ Henao, AM Rendón, KS Hernández, PA Giraldo-Ramirez, V Robledo, ...
Atmosphere 12 (9), 1137, 2021
Changes of streamflow regulation in an Andean watershed with shrinking glaciers: implications for water security
E Cepeda Arias, J Cañon Barriga, JF Salazar
Hydrological Sciences Journal 67 (11), 1755-1770, 2022
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