Scott Pauls
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Cited by
An introduction to the Heisenberg group and the sub-Riemannian isoperimetric problem
L Capogna, D Danielli, SD Pauls, J Tyson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group
SD Pauls
Geometriae Dedicata 104, 201-231, 2004
A notion of rectifiability modeled on Carnot groups
SD Pauls
Indiana University mathematics journal, 49-81, 2004
The Bernstein Problem for Embedded Surfaces in the Heisenberg Group ℍ 1
D Danielli, N Garofalo, DM Nhieu, SD Pauls
Indiana University mathematics journal, 563-594, 2010
Minimal surfaces in the roto-translation group with applications to a neuro-biological image completion model
RK Hladky, SD Pauls
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 36, 1-27, 2010
Constant mean curvature surfaces in sub-Riemannian geometry
RK Hladky, SD Pauls
Journal of Differential Geometry 79 (1), 111-139, 2008
The Bernstein problem in the Heisenberg group
N Garofalo, SD Pauls
arXiv preprint math/0209065, 2002
Stability of the world trade web over time–an extinction analysis
NJ Foti, S Pauls, DN Rockmore
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (9), 1889-1910, 2013
The large scale geometry of nilpotent Lie groups
S Pauls
arXiv preprint math/9903089, 1999
Topological structures in the equities market network
G Leibon, S Pauls, D Rockmore, R Savell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (52), 20589-20594, 2008
H-minimal graphs of low regularity in H1
SD Pauls
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 81 (2), 337-381, 2006
Seeking and receiving social support on Facebook for surgery
MA Davis, DL Anthony, SD Pauls
Social science & medicine 131, 40-47, 2015
Differential contributions of intra‐cellular and inter‐cellular mechanisms to the spatial and temporal architecture of the suprachiasmatic nucleus circadian circuitry in wild …
S Pauls, NC Foley, DK Foley, J LeSauter, MH Hastings, ES Maywood, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 40 (3), 2528-2540, 2014
Spectral clustering methods for multiplex networks
DR DeFord, SD Pauls
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 533, 121949, 2019
Deconstructing circadian rhythmicity with models and manipulations
SD Pauls, KI Honma, S Honma, R Silver
Trends in Neurosciences 39 (6), 405-419, 2016
C^ 1 Hypersurfaces of the Heisenberg Group are N-Rectifiable
DR Cole, SD Pauls
arXiv preprint math/0407223, 2004
A new framework for dynamical models on multiplex networks
DR DeFord, SD Pauls
Journal of Complex Networks 6 (3), 353-381, 2018
A spectral clustering approach to the structure of personality: Contrasting the FFM and HEXACO models
S Brocklebank, S Pauls, D Rockmore, TC Bates
Journal of Research in Personality 57, 100-109, 2015
Measures of centrality based on the spectrum of the Laplacian
SD Pauls, D Remondini
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (6 …, 2012
Partition decoupling for multi-gene analysis of gene expression profiling data
R Braun, G Leibon, S Pauls, D Rockmore
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-19, 2011
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Articles 1–20