Shurik Yatom
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Cited by
Ag+ reduction and silver nanoparticle synthesis at the plasma–liquid interface by an RF driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet: Mechanisms and the effect of surfactant
VS Kondeti, U Gangal, S Yatom, PJ Bruggeman
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 35 (6), 2017
Numerical simulations of runaway electron generation in pressurized gases
D Levko, S Yatom, V Vekselman, JZ Gleizer, VT Gurovich, YE Krasik
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (1), 2012
Detection of nanoparticles in carbon arc discharge with laser-induced incandescence
S Yatom, J Bak, A Khrabryi, Y Raitses
Carbon 117, 154-162, 2017
Space-and time-resolved characterization of nanosecond time scale discharge at pressurized gas
S Yatom, V Vekselman, JZ Gleizer, YE Krasik
Journal of Applied physics 109 (7), 2011
Nanosecond pulsed humid Ar plasma jet in air: shielding, discharge characteristics and atomic hydrogen production
S Yatom, Y Luo, Q Xiong, PJ Bruggeman
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (41), 415204, 2017
Plasma kinetics in a nanosecond pulsed filamentary discharge sustained in Ar–H2O and H2O
Y Luo, AM Lietz, S Yatom, MJ Kushner, PJ Bruggeman
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (4), 044003, 2018
Recent studies on nanosecond-timescale pressurized gas discharges
S Yatom, A Shlapakovski, L Beilin, E Stambulchik, S Tskhai, YE Krasik
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (6), 064001, 2016
“Synthesis-on” and “synthesis-off” modes of carbon arc operation during synthesis of carbon nanotubes
S Yatom, RS Selinsky, BE Koel, Y Raitses
Carbon 125, 336-343, 2017
Electric field in a plasma channel in a high-pressure nanosecond discharge in hydrogen: A coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering study
S Yatom, S Tskhai, YE Krasik
Physical review letters 111 (25), 255001, 2013
A low power flexible dielectric barrier discharge disinfects surfaces and improves the action of hydrogen peroxide
S Gershman, MB Harreguy, S Yatom, Y Raitses, P Efthimion, G Haspel
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4626, 2021
Spectroscopic study of plasma evolution in runaway nanosecond atmospheric-pressure He discharges
S Yatom, E Stambulchik, V Vekselman, YE Krasik
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Synthesis of nanoparticles in carbon arc: measurements and modeling
S Yatom, A Khrabry, J Mitrani, A Khodak, I Kaganovich, V Vekselman, ...
MRS communications 8 (3), 842-849, 2018
Effect of explosive emission on runaway electron generation
D Levko, S Yatom, V Vekselman, JZ Gleizer, VT Gurovich, YE Krasik
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (1), 2012
Particle-in-cell modeling of the nanosecond field emission driven discharge in pressurized hydrogen
D Levko, S Yatom, YE Krasik
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (8), 2018
X-ray diagnostics of runaway electrons generated during nanosecond discharge in gas at elevated pressures
S Yatom, D Levko, JZ Gleizer, V Vekselman, YE Krasik
Applied Physics Letters 100 (2), 2012
Time-resolved investigation of nanosecond discharge in dense gas sustained by short and long high-voltage pulse
S Yatom, JZ Gleizer, D Levko, V Vekselman, V Gurovich, E Hupf, Y Hadas, ...
Europhysics Letters 96 (6), 65001, 2011
Plasma density evolution during nanosecond discharge in hydrogen gas at (1–3) × 10^5 Pa pressure
S Yatom, Y Krasik
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (21), 215202, 2014
Time evolution of nanosecond runaway discharges in air and helium at atmospheric pressure
S Yatom, V Vekselman, YE Krasik
Physics of Plasmas 19 (12), 2012
Generation of Runaway Electron Beams and X-Rays in High Pressure Gases. Volume 2: Processes and Applications
VF Tarasenko
High-current carbon-epoxy capillary cathode
JZ Gleizer, T Queller, Y Bliokh, S Yatom, V Vekselman, YE Krasik, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2), 2012
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Articles 1–20