Fernanda Selingardi Matias
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Cited by
Anticipated synchronization in a biologically plausible model of neuronal motifs
FS Matias, PV Carelli, CR Mirasso, M Copelli
Physical Review E 84 (2), 021922, 2011
Modeling positive Granger causality and negative phase lag between cortical areas
FS Matias, LL Gollo, PV Carelli, SL Bressler, M Copelli, CR Mirasso
NeuroImage 99, 411-418, 2014
Self-organized near-zero-lag synchronization induced by spike-timing dependent plasticity in cortical populations
FS Matias, PV Carelli, CR Mirasso, M Copelli
PloS one 10 (10), e0140504, 2015
A symbolic information approach to determine anticipated and delayed synchronization in neuronal circuit models
F Montani, OA Rosso, FS Matias, SL Bressler, CR Mirasso
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Self-sustained activity of low firing rate in balanced networks
FS Borges, PR Protachevicz, RFO Pena, EL Lameu, GSV Higa, AH Kihara, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 537, 122671, 2020
Exploring the Phase-Locking Mechanisms Yielding Delayed and Anticipated Synchronization in Neuronal Circuits
L Dalla Porta, FS Matias, AJ dos Santos, A Alonso, PV Carelli, M Copelli, ...
Frontiers in System Neuroscience 13, 41, 2019
Statistical complexity is maximized close to criticality in cortical dynamics
Nastaran Lotfi, Thaís Feliciano, Leandro A. A. Aguiar, Thais Priscila Lima ...
Physical Review E 103, 012415, 2021
Topology of many-body edge and extended quantum states in an open spin chain: 1/3 plateau, Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, and Luttinger liquid
RR Montenegro-Filho, FS Matias, MD Coutinho-Filho
Physical Review B 102 (3), 035137, 2020
On the role of the entorhinal cortex in the effective connectivity of the hippocampal formation
VJ Lopez-Madrona, FS Matias, E Pereda, S Canals, CR Mirasso
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27 (4), 2017
Anticipated synchronization in neuronal circuits unveiled by a phase-response-curve analysis
FS Matias, PV Carelli, CR Mirasso, M Copelli
Physical Review E 95 (5), 052410, 2017
Phase bistability between anticipated and delayed synchronization in neuronal populations
JN Machado, FS Matias
Physical Review E 102 (3), 032412, 2020
Inhibitory loop robustly induces anticipated synchronization in neuronal microcircuits
FS Matias, LL Gollo, PV Carelli, CR Mirasso, M Copelli
Physical Review E 94 (4), 042411, 2016
Anticipated and zero-lag synchronization in motifs of delay-coupled systems
CR Mirasso, PV Carelli, T Pereira, FS Matias, M Copelli
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27 (11), 2017
Anticipated synchronization in human EEG data: Unidirectional causality with negative phase lag
FLP Carlos, MM Ubirakitan, MCA Rodrigues, M Aguilar-Domingo, ...
Physical Review E 102 (3), 032216, 2020
Inhibitory autapse mediates anticipated synchronization between coupled neurons
MA Pinto, OA Rosso, FS Matias
Physical Review E 99 (6), 062411, 2019
Inferring correlations associated to causal interactions in brain signals using autoregressive models
VJ López-Madrona, FS Matias, CR Mirasso, S Canals, E Pereda
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17041, 2019
Neuronal heterogeneity modulates phase synchronization between unidirectionally coupled populations with excitation-inhibition balance
KVP Brito, FS Matias
Physical Review E 103 (3), 032415, 2021
Anticipated synchronization in neuronal circuits
F Selingardi Matias
Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2014
Anticipated synchronization in neuronal circuits
FS Matias
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2014
Anticipated synchronization in neuronal motifs
FS Matias, LL Gollo, PV Carelli, M Copelli, CR Mirasso
BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P275, 2013
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Articles 1–20