Frank Bretz
Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous inference in general parametric models
T Hothorn, F Bretz, P Westfall
Biometrical Journal: Journal of Mathematical Methods in Biosciences 50 (3 …, 2008
CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised pilot and feasibility trials
SM Eldridge, CL Chan, MJ Campbell, CM Bond, S Hopewell, L Thabane, ...
bmj 355, 2016
Multiple comparisons using R
F Bretz, T Hothorn, P Westfall
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2016
Computation of multivariate normal and t probabilities
A Genz, F Bretz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
mvtnorm: Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
A Genz, F Bretz, T Miwa, X Mi, F Leisch, F Scheipl, T Hothorn
R package version 0.9-2, URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= mvtnorm, 2008
A graphical approach to sequentially rejective multiple test procedures
F Bretz, W Maurer, W Brannath, M Posch
Statistics in medicine 28 (4), 586-604, 2009
Combining multiple comparisons and modeling techniques in dose-response studies
F Bretz, JC Pinheiro, M Branson
Biometrics 61 (3), 738-748, 2005
Multiple testing problems in pharmaceutical statistics
A Dmitrienko, AC Tamhane, F Bretz
CRC press, 2009
Comparison of Methods for the Computation of Multivariate t Probabilities
A Genz, F Bretz
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11 (4), 950-971, 2002
Confirmatory seamless phase II/III clinical trials with hypotheses selection at interim: general concepts
F Bretz, H Schmidli, F König, A Racine, W Maurer
Biometrical Journal: Journal of Mathematical Methods in Biosciences 48 (4 …, 2006
Adaptive designs for confirmatory clinical trials
F Bretz, F Koenig, W Brannath, E Glimm, M Posch
Statistics in medicine 28 (8), 1181-1217, 2009
Building multivariable regression models with continuous covariates in clinical epidemiology
P Royston, W Sauerbrei
Methods of information in medicine 44 (04), 561-571, 2005
Confirmatory adaptive designs with Bayesian decision tools for a targeted therapy in oncology
W Brannath, E Zuber, M Branson, F Bretz, P Gallo, M Posch, ...
Statistics in medicine 28 (10), 1445-1463, 2009
Twenty‐five years of confirmatory adaptive designs: opportunities and pitfalls
P Bauer, F Bretz, V Dragalin, F König, G Wassmer
Statistics in Medicine 35 (3), 325-347, 2016
Numerical computation of multivariate t-probabilities with application to power calculation of multiple contrasts
A Genz, F Bretz
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 63 (4), 103-117, 1999
Innovative approaches for designing and analyzing adaptive dose-ranging trials
B Bornkamp, F Bretz, A Dmitrienko, G Enas, B Gaydos, CH Hsu, F König, ...
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics 17 (6), 965-995, 2007
Graphical approaches for multiple comparison procedures using weighted Bonferroni, Simes, or parametric tests
F Bretz, M Posch, E Glimm, F Klinglmueller, W Maurer, K Rohmeyer
Biometrical Journal 53 (6), 894-913, 2011
Model‐based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models
J Pinheiro, B Bornkamp, E Glimm, F Bretz
Statistics in medicine 33 (10), 1646-1661, 2014
Optimal designs for dose-finding studies
H Dette, F Bretz, A Pepelyshev, J Pinheiro
Journal of the American Statistical Association 103 (483), 1225-1237, 2008
Multcomp: simultaneous inference for general linear hypotheses
T Hothorn, F Bretz, P Westfall, RM Heiberger
R package version 1 (3), 2008
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Articles 1–20