Niko Kampman
Niko Kampman
Nuclear Waste Services
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Fluid flow and CO2–fluid–mineral interactions during CO2-storage in sedimentary basins
N Kampman, M Bickle, M Wigley, B Dubacq
Chemical Geology 369, 22-50, 2014
Feldspar dissolution kinetics and Gibbs free energy dependence in a CO2-enriched groundwater system, Green River, Utah
N Kampman, M Bickle, J Becker, N Assayag, H Chapman
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284 (3-4), 473-488, 2009
Observational evidence confirms modelling of the long-term integrity of CO2-reservoir caprocks
N Kampman, A Busch, P Bertier, J Snippe, S Hangx, V Pipich, Z Di, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12268, 2016
On the use and abuse of N2 physisorption for the characterization of the pore structure of shales
P Bertier, K Schweinar, H Stanjek, A Ghanizadeh, CR Clarkson, A Busch, ...
Pulses of carbon dioxide emissions from intracrustal faults following climatic warming
N Kampman, NM Burnside, ZK Shipton, HJ Chapman, JA Nicholl, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (5), 352-358, 2012
Drilling and sampling a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid–rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden
N Kampman, MJ Bickle, A Maskell, HJ Chapman, JP Evans, G Purser, ...
Chemical Geology 369, 51-82, 2014
Fluid-mineral reactions and trace metal mobilization in an exhumed natural CO2 reservoir, Green River, Utah
M Wigley, N Kampman, B Dubacq, M Bickle
Geology 40 (6), 555-558, 2012
Determining the porosity of mudrocks using methodological pluralism
A Busch, K Schweinar, N Kampman, AB Coorn, V Pipich, A Feoktystov, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 454 (1), 15-38, 2017
Natural analogues
M Bickle, N Kampman, M Wigley
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 77 (1), 15-71, 2013
Laboratory-based investigation into the fluid flow properties of natural and 3D-printed rough fractures
T Phillips, NDF Inskip, O Esegbue, G Borisochev, T Bultreys, V Cnudde, ...
1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020
Rapid reactions between CO2, brine and silicate minerals during geological carbon storage: Modelling based on a field CO2 injection experiment
M Bickle, N Kampman, H Chapman, C Ballentine, B Dubacq, A Galy, ...
Chemical Geology 468, 17-31, 2017
Controls of sluggish, CO2-promoted, hematite and K-feldspar dissolution kinetics in sandstones
M Wigley, B Dubacq, N Kampman, M Bickle
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 362, 76-87, 2013
Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir, Green River, Utah
N Kampman, A Maskell, MJ Bickle, JP Evans, M Schaller, G Purser, ...
Scientific Drilling 16, 33-43, 2013
Controls on the intrinsic flow properties of mudrock fractures: A review of their importance in subsurface storage
T Phillips, N Kampman, K Bisdom, NDF Inskip, SAM den Hartog, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103390, 2020
Carbon isotopic constraints on CO2 degassing in cold-water Geysers, Green River, Utah
N Assayag, M Bickle, N Kampman, J Becker
Energy Procedia 1 (1), 2361-2366, 2009
A systematic investigation into the control of roughness on the flow properties of 3D‐printed fractures
T Phillips, T Bultreys, K Bisdom, N Kampman, S Van Offenwert, A Mascini, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (4), ewrcr.25233, 2021
In situ redeposition of trace metals mobilized by CO2‐charged brines
M Wigley, N Kampman, HJ Chapman, B Dubacq, MJ Bickle
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (5), 1321-1332, 2013
Noble gas and carbon isotopic evidence for CO2-driven silicate dissolution in a recent natural CO2 field
B Dubacq, MJ Bickle, M Wigley, N Kampman, CJ Ballentine, BS Lollar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 341, 10-19, 2012
The Green River natural analogue as a field laboratory to study the long-term fate of CO2 in the subsurface
A Busch, N Kampman, SJ Hangx, J Snippe, M Bickle, P Bertier, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 2821-2830, 2014
Lessons in carbon storage from geological analogues
M Bickle, N Kampman
Geology 41 (4), 525-526, 2013
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