Reza Barzegarkhoo
Reza Barzegarkhoo
Postdoc Fellow, SMIEEE, Chair of Power Electronics, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
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Cited by
A new boost switched-capacitor multilevel converter with reduced circuit devices
R Barzegarkhoo, M Moradzadeh, E Zamiri, HM Kojabadi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (8), 6738-6754, 2017
A new cascaded switched-capacitor multilevel inverter based on improved series–parallel conversion with less number of components
E Zamiri, N Vosoughi, SH Hosseini, R Barzegarkhoo, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (6), 3582-3594, 2016
Generalized structure for a single phase switched-capacitor multilevel inverter using a new multiple DC link producer with reduced number of switches
R Barzegarkhoo, HM Kojabadi, E Zamiry, N Vosoughi, L Chang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (8), 5604-5617, 2015
Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters: A Comprehensive Review
R Barzegarkhoo, M Forouzesh, S Sing Lee, F Blaabjerg, Y P Siwakoti
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022
Six-switch step-up common-grounded five-level inverter with switched-capacitor cell for transformerless grid-tied PV applications
R Barzegarkhoo, YP Siwakoti, N Vosoughi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (2), 1374-1387, 2020
A Novel Generalized Common-Ground Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Suitable for Transformerless Grid-Connected Applications
R Barzegarkhoo, SS Lee, SA Khan, YP Siwakoti, D Lu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
A new switched-capacitor five-level inverter suitable for transformerless grid-connected applications
R Barzegarkhoo, YP Siwakoti, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (8), 8140-8153, 2020
Cascaded multilevel inverter using series connection of novel capacitor‐based units with minimum switch count
R Barzegarkhoo, E Zamiri, N Vosoughi, HM Kojabadi, L Chang
IET Power Electronics 9 (10), 2060-2075, 2016
A Common Grounded Type Dual Mode Five-Level Transformerless Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications
SUH Md Noman Habib Khan, Yam Prasad Siwakoti , Mark Scott , Li Li, Shakil ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020
Nine-Level Nine-Switch Common-Ground Switched-Capacitor Inverter Suitable for High-Frequency AC-Microgrid Applications
R Barzegarkhoo, M Farhangi, S Sing Lee, R P. Aguilera, Y P. Siwakoti, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
Design, control, and analysis of a novel grid-interfaced switched-boost dual T-type five-level inverter with common-ground concept
R Barzegarkhoo, SS Lee, YP Siwakoti, SA Khan, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on industrial Electronics 68 (9), 8193-8206, 2020
A Novel Dual-Mode Switched-Capacitor Five-Level Inverter With Common-Ground Transformerless Concept
R Barzegarkhoo, YP Siwakoti, RP Aguilera, N Khan, SS Lee, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
Reduced switch‐count structure for symmetric multilevel inverters with a novel switched‐DC‐source submodule
H Nasiri Avanaki, R Barzegarkhoo, E Zamiri, Y Yang, F Blaabjerg
IET Power Electronics 12 (2), 311-321, 2019
A Novel Common-Ground-Type Nine-Level Dynamic Boost Inverter
S Sing Lee, YP Siwakoti, R Barzegarkhoo, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021
Implementation and Analysis of a Novel Switched-Boost Common-Ground Five-Level Inverter Modulated with Model Predictive Control Strategy
R Barzegarkhoo, SA Khan, Y P. Siwakoti, R P. Aguilera, S Sing Lee, Khan, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021
A switched-capacitor multilevel inverter for high AC power systems with reduced ripple loss using SPWM technique
B Karami, R Barzegarkhoo, A Abrishamifar, M Samizadeh
The 6th Power Electronics, Drive Systems & Technologies Conference …, 2015
Symmetric hybridised design for a novel step‐up 19‐level inverter
R Barzegarkhoo, E Zamiri, M Moradzadeh, H Shadabi
IET Power Electronics 10 (11), 1377-1391, 2017
Switched-Capacitor-Based 5-Level T-Type Inverter (SC-5TI) with Soft-Charging and Enhanced DC-Link Voltage Utilization
S Sing Lee, YP Siwakoti, R Barzegarkhoo, KB Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
Common-Ground Grid-Connected Five-Level Transformerless Inverter With Integrated Dynamic Voltage Boosting Feature
R Barzegarkhoo, M Farhangi, R P. Aguilera, S Sing Lee, F Blaabjerg, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022
A cascaded modular multilevel inverter topology using novel series basic units with a reduced number of power electronic elements
R Barzegarkhoo, N Vosoughi, E Zamiri, HM Kojabadi, L Chang
Journal of Power Electronics 16 (6), 2139-2149, 2016
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Articles 1–20