Huiqi Gong
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Influence of LDD Spacers and H+Transport on the Total-Ionizing-Dose Response of 65-nm MOSFETs Irradiated to Ultrahigh Doses
F Faccio, G Borghello, E Lerario, DM Fleetwood, RD Schrimpf, H Gong, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 164-174, 2017
Resonance Raman spectroscopy of G-line and folded phonons in twisted bilayer graphene with large rotation angles
Y Wang, Z Su, W Wu, S Nie, N Xie, H Gong, Y Guo, J Hwan Lee, S Xing, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (12), 2013
Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects and Low-Frequency Noise in 30-nm Gate-Length Bulk and SOI FinFETs With SiO2/HfO2 Gate Dielectrics
M Gorchichko, Y Cao, EX Zhang, D Yan, H Gong, SE Zhao, P Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67 (1), 245-252, 2019
The study of radiation effects in emerging micro and nano electro mechanical systems (M and NEMs)
CN Arutt, ML Alles, W Liao, H Gong, JL Davidson, RD Schrimpf, RA Reed, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 32 (1), 013005, 2016
Dose-rate dependence of the total-ionizing-dose response of GaN-based HEMTs
R Jiang, EX Zhang, MW McCurdy, P Wang, H Gong, D Yan, RD Schrimpf, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (1), 170-176, 2018
Turning on and off the rotational oscillation of a single porphine molecule by molecular charge state
S Yan, Z Ding, N Xie, H Gong, Q Sun, Y Guo, X Shan, S Meng, X Lu
ACS nano 6 (5), 4132-4136, 2012
Scaling effects on single-event transients in InGaAs FinFETs
H Gong, K Ni, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, JA Kozub, KL Ryder, RF Keller, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 296-303, 2017
Gate bias and length dependences of total ionizing dose effects in InGaAs FinFETs on bulk Si
SE Zhao, S Bonaldo, P Wang, R Jiang, H Gong, EX Zhang, N Waldron, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (7), 1599-1605, 2019
Radiation-induced charge trapping and low-frequency noise of graphene transistors
P Wang, C Perini, A O’Hara, BR Tuttle, EX Zhang, H Gong, C Liang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 156-163, 2017
X-ray and proton radiation effects on 40 nm CMOS physically unclonable function devices
PF Wang, EX Zhang, KH Chuang, W Liao, H Gong, P Wang, CN Arutt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (8), 1519-1524, 2018
Total-ionizing-dose responses of GaN-based HEMTs with different channel thicknesses and MOSHEMTs with epitaxial MgCaO as gate dielectric
MA Bhuiyan, H Zhou, SJ Chang, X Lou, X Gong, R Jiang, H Gong, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 46-52, 2017
Polarization dependence of pulsed laser-induced SEEs in SOI FinFETs
LD Ryder, KL Ryder, AL Sternberg, JA Kozub, H Gong, EX Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67 (1), 38-43, 2019
Pulsed-laser induced single-event transients in InGaAs FinFETs on bulk silicon substrates
H Gong, K Ni, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, JA Kozub, ML Alles, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (1), 376-383, 2018
Proton-induced displacement damage and total-ionizing-dose effects on silicon-based MEMS resonators
H Gong, W Liao, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, MW McCurdy, JL Davidson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 34-38, 2017
Total-ionizing-dose effects in piezoresistive micromachined cantilevers
H Gong, W Liao, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, MW McCurdy, JL Davidson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 64 (1), 263-268, 2016
Tip expansion in a laser assisted scanning tunneling microscope
N Xie, H Gong, S Yan, J Zhao, X Shan, Y Guo, Q Sun, X Lu
Applied Physics Letters 101 (21), 2012
Mapping the diffusion potential of a reconstructed Au (111) surface at nanometer scale with 2D molecular gas
SC Yan, N Xie, HQ Gong, Q Sun, Y Guo, XY Shan, XH Lu
Chinese Physics Letters 29 (4), 046803, 2012
Laser-induced single-event transients in black phosphorus MOSFETs
C Liang, R Ma, K Li, Y Su, H Gong, KL Ryder, P Wang, AL Sternberg, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (1), 384-388, 2018
Total Ionizing Dose Effects and Proton-Induced Displacement Damage on MoS2-Interlayer-MoS2 Tunneling Junctions
P Wang, CJ Perini, A O’Hara, H Gong, P Wang, EX Zhang, MW McCurdy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (1), 420-427, 2018
Surface carrier concentration effect on elastic modulus of piezoelectric MEMS silicon cantilevers
JT Lin, PD Shuvra, W Liao, S McNamara, KM Walsh, CN Arutt, H Gong, ...
2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and …, 2017
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