Jie Chen
Jie Chen
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Finite-time formation control for multi-agent systems
F Xiao, L Wang, J Chen, Y Gao
Automatica 45 (11), 2605-2611, 2009
Improved delay-range-dependent stability criteria for linear systems with time-varying delays
J Sun, GP Liu, J Chen, D Rees
Automatica 46 (2), 466-470, 2010
Networked predictive control of systems with random network delays in both forward and feedback channels
GP Liu, Y Xia, J Chen, D Rees, W Hu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (3), 1282-1297, 2007
Long short-term memory-Fully connected (LSTM-FC) neural network for PM2. 5 concentration prediction
J Zhao, F Deng, Y Cai, J Chen
Chemosphere 220, 486-492, 2019
Wind speed forecasting using nonlinear-learning ensemble of deep learning time series prediction and extremal optimization
J Chen, GQ Zeng, W Zhou, W Du, KD Lu
Energy conversion and management 165, 681-695, 2018
Delay‐dependent stability and stabilization of neutral time‐delay systems
J Sun, GP Liu, J Chen
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2009
Understanding user's query intent with wikipedia
J Hu, G Wang, F Lochovsky, J Sun, Z Chen
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 471-480, 2009
Design of fractional order PID controller for automatic regulator voltage system based on multi-objective extremal optimization
GQ Zeng, J Chen, YX Dai, LM Li, CW Zheng, MR Chen
Neurocomputing 160, 173-184, 2015
Algorithm of marriage in honey bees optimization based on the wolf pack search
C Yang, X Tu, J Chen
The 2007 International conference on intelligent pervasive computing (IPC …, 2007
Hybridizing differential evolution and particle swarm optimization to design powerful optimizers: a review and taxonomy
B Xin, J Chen, J Zhang, H Fang, ZH Peng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2011
高等教育出版社, 2021
Towards energy optimization: Emergent task allocation in a swarm of foraging robots
W Liu, AFT Winfield, J Sa, J Chen, L Dou
Adaptive behavior 15 (3), 289-305, 2007
From unmanned systems to autonomous intelligent systems
J Chen, J Sun, G Wang
Engineering 12, 16-19, 2022
Optimal data injection attacks in cyber-physical systems
G Wu, J Sun, J Chen
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 48 (12), 3302-3312, 2018
Sparse phase retrieval via truncated amplitude flow
G Wang, L Zhang, GB Giannakis, M Akçakaya, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (2), 479-491, 2017
Sensor multifault diagnosis with improved support vector machines
F Deng, S Guo, R Zhou, J Chen
IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 14 (2), 1053-1063, 2015
Optimal contraction theorem for exploration–exploitation tradeoff in search and optimization
J Chen, B Xin, Z Peng, L Dou, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009
Learning ReLU networks on linearly separable data: Algorithm, optimality, and generalization
G Wang, GB Giannakis, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (9), 2357-2370, 2019
Interactive multiobjective optimization: A review of the state-of-the-art
B Xin, L Chen, J Chen, H Ishibuchi, K Hirota, B Liu
IEEE Access 6, 41256-41279, 2018
Multisource energy harvesting system for a wireless sensor network node in the field environment
F Deng, X Yue, X Fan, S Guan, Y Xu, J Chen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (1), 918-927, 2018
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