Murat Tutkun
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Cited by
Two-point correlations in high Reynolds number flat plate turbulent boundary layers
M Tutkun, WK George, J Delville, M Stanislas, PBV Johansson, ...
Journal of Turbulence, N21, 2009
Structural impact assessment of low level jets over wind turbines
W Gutierrez, G Araya, P Kiliyanpilakkil, A Ruiz-Columbie, M Tutkun, ...
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 8 (2), 2016
Impacts of the low-level jet's negative wind shear on the wind turbine
W Gutierrez, A Ruiz-Columbie, M Tutkun, L Castillo
Wind energy science 2 (2), 533-545, 2017
Wind turbine boundary layer arrays for Cartesian and staggered configurations: Part II, low‐dimensional representations via the proper orthogonal decomposition
N Hamilton, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Wind Energy 18 (2), 297-315, 2015
Three-component vectorial proper orthogonal decomposition of axisymmetric wake behind a disk
M Tutkun, PBV Johansson, WK George
AIAA journal 46 (5), 1118-1134, 2008
Low-order representations of the canonical wind turbine array boundary layer via double proper orthogonal decomposition
N Hamilton, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Physics of Fluids 28 (2), 2016
A generalized framework for reduced‐order modeling of a wind turbine wake
N Hamilton, B Viggiano, M Calaf, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Wind Energy 21 (6), 373-390, 2018
Markovian properties of passive scalar increments in grid-generated turbulence
M Tutkun, L Mydlarski
New Journal of Physics 6 (1), 49, 2004
Lumley decomposition of turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers
M Tutkun, WK George
Physics of Fluids 29 (2), 2017
Anisotropic character of low-order turbulent flow descriptions through the proper orthogonal decomposition
N Hamilton, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Physical Review Fluids 2 (1), 014601, 2017
Cluster-based reduced-order descriptions of two phase flows
N Ali, B Viggiano, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Chemical Engineering Science 222, 115660, 2020
Mind the gap: a guideline for large eddy simulation
WK George, M Tutkun
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
Data-driven machine learning for accurate prediction and statistical quantification of two phase flow regimes
N Ali, B Viggiano, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 202, 108488, 2021
Two-phase gas-liquid flow in concentric and fully eccentric annuli. Part I: Flow patterns, holdup, slip ratio and pressure gradient
R Ibarra, J Nossen, M Tutkun
Chemical Engineering Science 203, 489-500, 2019
Droplet size measurements in oil–water dispersions: a comparison study using FBRM and PVM
H Schümann, M Khatibi, M Tutkun, B H. Pettersen, Z Yang, OJ Nydal
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 36 (10), 1432-1443, 2015
On the use of computational fluid dynamics to investigate aerosol dispersion in an industrial environment: a case study
HE Fossum, BAP Reif, M Tutkun, T Gjesdal
Boundary-layer meteorology 144, 21-40, 2012
Experimental study of dispersed oil-water flow in a horizontal pipe with enhanced inlet mixing, Part 2: In-situ droplet measurements
H Schümann, M Tutkun, OJ Nydal
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145, 753-762, 2016
Experimental study of dispersed oil-water flow in a horizontal pipe with enhanced inlet mixing, Part 1: flow patterns, phase distributions and pressure gradients
H Schümann, M Tutkun, Z Yang, OJ Nydal
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145, 742-752, 2016
Identification of Lagrangian coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer
ZD Wilson, M Tutkun, RB Cal
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 728, 396-416, 2013
Energy‐scale Aware Feature Extraction for Flow Visualization
A Pobitzer, M Tutkun, Ø Andreassen, R Fuchs, R Peikert, H Hauser
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (3), 771-780, 2011
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Articles 1–20