Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather
Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather
Assistant Professor, UBC
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Creating AWE: artistic and scientific practices in research-based design for exploring a profound immersive installation
D Quesnel, ER Stepanova, IA Aguilar, P Pennefather, BE Riecke
2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), 1-207, 2018
Awedyssey: design tensions in eliciting self-transcendent emotions in virtual reality to support mental well-being and connection
N Miller, ER Stepanova, J Desnoyers-Stewart, A Adhikari, A Kitson, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 189-211, 2023
Exploring the role of xR in visualisations for use in medical education
P Pennefather, C Krebs
Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 4, 15-23, 2019
Ethics behind technology-enhanced medical education and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
C Krebs1β, A Quiroga-Garza2β, P Pennefather, RE Elizondo-Omaña
Eur J Anat 25 (4), 515-522, 2021
Body RemiXer: extending bodies to stimulate social connection in an immersive installation
J Desnoyers-Stewart, ER Stepanova, BE Riecke, P Pennefather
ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery, 394-400, 2020
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with Generative AI
PP Pennefather
Embodied telepresent connection (ETC): Exploring virtual social touch through pseudohaptics
J Desnoyers-Stewart, ER Stepanova, P Liu, A Kitson, PP Pennefather, ...
Extended abstracts of the 2023 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2023
Managing innovation at the centre for digital media
R Smith, P Pennefather
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 151-161, 2014
Considerations on the use of artificial intelligence in generating anatomical images: Comment on" Evaluating AI-powered text-to-image generators for anatomical illustration: A …
J Cornwall, C Krebs, S Hildebrandt, J Gregory, P Pennefather
Anatomical Sciences Education, 2023
Generative AI with Personalities
P Parra Pennefather
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with …, 2023
Use Cases
P Parra Pennefather
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with …, 2023
Too Many Apps to Choose From: Using Rubrics to Select Mobile Apps for Preschool
R Ralph, P Pennefather, J Code, S Petrina
Research Anthology on Early Childhood Development and School Transition in …, 2023
Development of a virtual anatomy lab (VanVR App) for implementation during the Covid19 pandemic to ensure 3D learning with scanned prosections
P Pennefather, D Scott, C Dunne, I Dixit, M Dykstra, M Fejtek, S Jeon, ...
The FASEB Journal 35, 2021
Dilemmas Interacting with Generative AI
P Parra Pennefather
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with …, 2023
The Master of Mashup
P Parra Pennefather
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with …, 2023
Creative Companion
P Parra Pennefather
Creative Prototyping with Generative AI: Augmenting Creative Workflows with …, 2023
Know How You Mentor
P Parra Pennefather
Mentoring Digital Media Projects: Project-Based Learning and Teaching for …, 2022
Mentoring Digital Media Projects
PP Pennefather
The Perplexed Colon: A Perplexing Review of Guides for the Perplexed
P Pennefather …, 2021
Agile Teams in Digital Media: A 13 Week Retrospective
R Ralph, P Pennefather
Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Effective Project …, 2020
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