Mina Young Pedersen
Cited by
Cited by
Analyzing echo chambers: A logic of strong and weak ties
MY Pedersen, S Smets, T Ågotnes
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 7th International Workshop, LORI 2019 …, 2019
Further steps towards a logic of polarization in social networks
MY Pedersen, S Smets, T Ågotnes
Logic and Argumentation: Third International Conference, CLAR 2020, Hangzhou …, 2020
On the right path: A modal logic for supervised learning
A Baltag, D Li, MY Pedersen
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 7th International Workshop, LORI 2019 …, 2019
Modal logics and group polarization
M Young Pedersen, S Smets, T Ågotnes
Journal of Logic and Computation 31 (8), 2240-2269, 2021
Polarization and echo chambers: A logical analysis of balance and triadic closure in social networks
MY Pedersen
Master of Logic Thesis Series, MoL-2019-10, 2019
A modal logic for supervised learning
A Baltag, D Li, MY Pedersen
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2), 213-234, 2022
Social bot detection as a temporal logic model checking problem
MY Pedersen, M Slavkovik, S Smets
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, LORI 2021 …, 2021
Logic of visibility in social networks
R Galimullin, MY Pedersen, M Slavkovik
International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, 190-206, 2022
Detecting bots with temporal logic
MY Pedersen, M Slavkovik, S Smets
Synthese 202 (3), 79, 2023
Visibility and exploitation in social networks
R Galimullin, MY Pedersen
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 1-30, 2023
Influenced by a Troll: A logic of diffusion in social networks with malicious agents
MY Pedersen
Malicious Agents and the Power of the Few: On the Logic of Abnormality in Social Networks
MY Pedersen
The University of Bergen, 2024
Selected Reflections in Language, Logic, and Information: ESSLLI 2019, ESSLLI 2020 and ESSLLI 2021 Student Sessions, Selected Papers
A Pavlova, MY Pedersen, R Bernardi
Springer Nature, 2023
Selected Reflections in Language, Logic, and Information
A Pavlova, MY Pedersen, R Bernardi
ESSLLI Student Session 2021
MY Pedersen, A Pavlova
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Articles 1–15