Zhonghai Wang
Zhonghai Wang
Alex and Alice, Inc.
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Cooperative space object tracking using space-based optical sensors via consensus-based filters
B Jia, KD Pham, E Blasch, D Shen, Z Wang, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (4), 1908-1936, 2016
Omnidirectional mobile NLOS identification and localization via multiple cooperative nodes
Z Wang, SA Zekavat
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (12), 2047-2059, 2011
An overview on position location: Past, present, future
S Zekavat, RM Buehrer, GD Durgin, L Lovisolo, Z Wang, ST Goh, ...
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 28, 45-76, 2021
Space object classification using deep neural networks
B Jia, KD Pham, E Blasch, Z Wang, D Shen, G Chen
2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2018
A novel semidistributed localization via multinode TOA–DOA fusion
Z Wang, SA Zekavat
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (7), 3426-3435, 2009
Pattern of life from WAMI objects tracking based on visual context-aware tracking and infusion network models
J Gao, H Ling, E Blasch, K Pham, Z Wang, G Chen
Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXII 8745, 528-536, 2013
A joint manifold leaning-based framework for heterogeneous upstream data fusion
D Shen, E Blasch, P Zulch, M Distasio, R Niu, J Lu, Z Wang, G Chen
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology 12 (4), 311-332, 2018
Video-based activity analysis using the L1 tracker on VIRAT data
E Blasch, Z Wang, H Ling, K Palaniappan, G Chen, D Shen, A Aved, ...
2013 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-8, 2013
Prediction of compression-induced image interpretability degradation
E Blasch, HM Chen, JM Irvine, Z Wang, G Chen, J Nagy, S Scott
Optical Engineering 57 (4), 043108-043108, 2018
Wind field estimation through autonomous quadcopter avionics
X Xiang, Z Wang, Z Mo, G Chen, K Pham, E Blasch
2016 IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-6, 2016
A novel implementation of DOA estimation for node localization on software defined radios: achieving high performance with low complexity
SA Zekavat, A Kolbus, X Yang, Z Wang, J Pourrostam, M Pourkhaatoun
2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications …, 2007
A low-cost, near-real-time two-UAS-based UWB emitter monitoring system
Z Wang, E Blasch, G Chen, D Shen, X Lin, K Pham
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 30 (11), 4-11, 2015
Cooperative space object tracking using consensus-based filters
B Jia, KD Pham, E Blasch, D Shen, Z Wang, G Chen
17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8, 2014
Space object tracking and maneuver detection via interacting multiple model cubature Kalman filters
B Jia, E Blasch, KD Pham, D Shen, Z Wang, X Tian, G Chen
2015 IEEE Aerospace conference, 1-8, 2015
Manet localization via multi-node TOA-DOA optimal fusion
Z Wang, SA Zekavat
MILCOM 2006-2006 IEEE Military Communications conference, 1-7, 2006
Cooperative space object tracking via multiple space-based visible sensors with communication loss
B Jia, E Blasch, KD Pham, D Shen, Z Wang, G Chen
2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2014
A cloud infrastructure for target detection and tracking using audio and video fusion
K Liu, B Liu, E Blasch, D Shen, Z Wang, H Ling, G Chen
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Manifold learning algorithms for sensor fusion of image and radio-frequency data
D Shen, P Zulch, M Disasio, E Blasch, G Chen, Z Wang, J Lu, R Niu
2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-9, 2018
An investigation of image compression on NIIRS rating degradation through automated image analysis
H Chen, E Blasch, K Pham, Z Wang, G Chen
Sensors and Systems for Space Applications IX 9838, 298-307, 2016
Non-line-of-sight identification via phase difference statistics across two-antenna elements
W Xu, Z Wang, SAR Zekavat
IET communications 5 (13), 1814-1822, 2011
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