Igor Zingman
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Cited by
Crowd workers proven useful: A comparative study of subjective video quality assessment
D Saupe, F Hahn, V Hosu, I Zingman, M Rana, S Li
QoMEX 2016: 8th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience, 2016
Detection of fragmented rectangular enclosures in very high resolution remote sensing images
I Zingman, D Saupe, OAB Penatti, K Lambers
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (8), 4580-4593, 2016
A morphological approach for distinguishing texture and individual features in images
I Zingman, D Saupe, K Lambers
Pattern Recognition Letters 47, 129-138, 2014
Towards detection of archaeological objects in high-resolution remotely sensed images: the Silvretta case study
K Lambers, I Zingman
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 781-791, 2013
Morphological operators for segmentation of high contrast textured regions in remotely sensed imagery
I Zingman, D Saupe, K Lambers
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
Automated search for livestock enclosures of rectangular shape in remotely sensed imagery
I Zingman, D Saupe, K Lambers
SPIE Remote Sensing, 88920F-88920F-11, 2013
Detection of Texture and Isolated Features Using Alternating Morphological Filters
I Zingman, D Saupe, K Lambers
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2013
Learning image representations for anomaly detection: application to discovery of histological alterations in drug development
I Zingman, B Stierstorfer, C Lempp, F Heinemann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.07675, 2022
A comparative evaluation of image-to-image translation methods for stain transfer in histopathology
I Zingman, S Frayle, I Tankoyeu, S Sukhanov, F Heinemann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17009, 2023
Detection of incomplete enclosures of rectangular shape in remotely sensed images
I Zingman, D Saupe, K Lambers
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
System and method for detecting anomalies in a tissue imaged in-vivo
E Horn, I Zingman
US Patent 8,913,807, 2014
System and method for real time detection of villi texture in an image stream of the gastrointestinal tract
I Zingman, O Zinaty
US Patent 8,768,024, 2014
Method for enhancing in-vivo image contrast
O Zinaty, I Zingman
US Patent 8,467,603, 2013
Deep Learning–Based Detection of Endothelial Tip Cells in the Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy Model
I Zingman, N Zippel, G Birk, S Eder, L Thomas, T Schönberger, ...
Toxicologic Pathology, 0192623320972964, 2020
Am Boden, aus der Luft, aus dem All: Prospektion archäologischer Fundstellen in der Silvretta
K Lambers, I Zingman
Am Boden, aus der Luft, aus dem All: Prospektion archäologischer Fundstellen in der Silvretta
K Lambers, I Zingman
Size–density spectra and their application to image classification
I Zingman, R Meir, R El-Yaniv
Pattern Recognition 40 (12), 3336-3348, 2007
Semi-Automated Detection of Fragmented Rectangular Structures in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Application in Archaeology
I Zingman
Reported Attention as a Promising Alternative to Gaze in IQA Tasks
V Hosu, F Hahn, I Zingman, D Saupe
PQS 2016: 5th ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, 117-121, 2016
Novel algorithm for extraction of an object with an approximately convex boundary
I Zingman, I Yokneam
Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference 678 (042), 207-213, 2010
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Articles 1–20