Rajeev Gajbhiye
Rajeev Gajbhiye
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Optimal multistage scheduling of PMU placement: An ILP approach
D Dua, S Dambhare, RK Gajbhiye, SA Soman
IEEE Transactions on Power delivery 23 (4), 1812-1820, 2008
Min-max fair power flow tracing for transmission system usage cost allocation: A large system perspective
MSS Rao, SA Soman, P Chitkara, RK Gajbhiye, N Hemachandra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (3), 1457-1468, 2010
An expert system approach for multi-year short-term transmission system expansion planning: An Indian experience
RK Gajbhiye, D Naik, S Dambhare, SA Soman
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (1), 226-237, 2008
Computationally efficient methodology for analysis of faulted power systems with series-compensated transmission lines: A phase coordinate approach
RK Gajbhiye, B Gopi, P Kulkarni, SA Soman
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (2), 873-880, 2008
Optimal zero injection considerations in PMU placement: An ILP approach
S Dambhare, D Dua, RK Gajbhiye, SA Soman
16th PSCC, Glasgow, July 14 18, 2008
Computation of optimal break point set of relays—an integer linear programming approach
RK Gajbhiye, A De, SA Soman
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 22 (4), 2087-2098, 2007
Analysis of faulted power systems in three phase coordinates-a generic approach
RK Gajbhiye, P Kulkarni, SA Soman
2005 International Power Engineering Conference, 1052-1057, 2005
Facilitating emission trade within power exchange: Development of conceptual platform
R Gajbhiye, SA Soman
2010 7th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 1-6, 2010
Mining spatial frequency time series data for event detection in power systems
SA Lavand, GR Gajjar, SA Soman, R Gajbhiye
IET Digital Library, 2016
New bid structures for power exchange with modelling in ilp framework
R Gajbhiye, SA Soman
2009 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 1-7, 2009
A simple and efficient approach to determination of minimum set of break point relays for transmission protection system coordination
RK Gajbhiye, A De, R Helwade, SA Soman
2005 International Conference on Future Power Systems, 5 pp.-5, 2005
CoDiT: commissioning diagnostic tool for WAMS based linear state estimation of power systems
GR Gajjar, R Gajbhiye, M Chougule, SA Soman
2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 1-6, 2018
Short term portfolio optimization for load serving entity considering multiple exchanges and ramping constraints
MJ Punjabi, PG Awate, R Gajbhiye, SA Soman, KV Prasad
ISGT 2014, 1-5, 2014
Generic fault analysis in phase coordinates
P Kulkarni, R Gajbhiye, SA Soman
vol. I. Nepal: International Conference on Power Systems, 593-598, 2005
Testing of WAMS-based Supervised Zone-3 Distance Relay Protection Scheme using a Real-Time Digital Simulator
KK Gajjar, AM Kulkarni, G Gajjar, SA Soman, R Gajbhiye
2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 1-6, 2021
Three-stage optimization approach for storage sizing, siting, and transmission network expansion under severe renewable drought
G Meena, RK Gajbhiye, P Risbud, SA Soman
2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2023
Sizing of Energy Storage System Based on Time Series for providing Frequency Regulation
S Hasan, PV Navalkar, R Gajbhiye, SA Soman
2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 308-313, 2022
Towards a Three Phase Local Substation IT Calibrator using PMU Data
P Gupta, R Gajbhiye, G Gajjar, P Navalkar, S Soman
2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 1-6, 2022
From forecasting to scheduling in short term power procurement using stochastic optimization
MJ Punjabi, PG Awate, R Gajbhiye, SA Soman, KV Prasad
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe, 1-6, 2014
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Articles 1–19