Patricia J. Y. Wong
Patricia J. Y. Wong
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Cited by
Positive solutions of differential, difference and integral equations
RP Agarwal, D O'Regan, PJY Wong
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Advanced topics in difference equations
RP Agarwal, PJY Wong
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Soccer injury in the lower extremities
P Wong, Y Hong
British journal of sports medicine 39 (8), 473-482, 2005
Accuracy and reliability of a Cosmed K4b2 portable gas analysis system
R Duffield, B Dawson, HC Pinnington, P Wong
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 7 (1), 11-22, 2004
Effects of a 12-week exercise training programme on aerobic fitness, body composition, blood lipids and C-reactive protein in adolescents with obesity
PCH Wong, M Chia, IYY Tsou, GKL Wansaicheong, B Tan, JCK Wang, ...
Annals Academy of Medicine, 2008
Stability analysis of fractional differential system with Riemann–Liouville derivative
D Qian, C Li, RP Agarwal, PJY Wong
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (5-6), 862-874, 2010
Error inequalities in polynomial interpolation and their applications
RP Agarwal, PJY Wong
Springer science & business media, 2012
Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems on time scales
RP Agarwal, M Bohner, PJY Wong
Applied Mathematics and Computation 99 (2-3), 153-166, 1999
On the oscillation of fractional differential equations
S Grace, R Agarwal, P Wong, A Zafer
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 15 (2), 222-231, 2012
The level of accuracy and agreement in measures of FEO2, FECO2 and VE between the Cosmed K4b2 portable, respiratory gas analysis system and a metabolic cart
HC Pinnington, P Wong, J Tay, D Green, B Dawson
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 4 (3), 324-335, 2001
Oscillatory behavior of solutions of certain second order nonlinear differential equations
PJY Wong, RP Agarwal
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 198 (2), 337-354, 1996
General Lidstone problems: multiplicity and symmetry of solutions
JM Davis, J Henderson, PJY Wong
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 251 (2), 527-548, 2000
Periodicity and stability in periodic n-species Lotka-Volterra competition system with feedback controls and deviating arguments
M Fan, K Wang, PJY Wong, RP Agarwal
Acta Mathematica Sinica 19 (4), 801-822, 2003
Lidstone polynomials and boundary value problems
RP Agarwal, PJY Wong
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 17 (10), 1397-1421, 1989
Eigenvalues of Lidstone boundary value problems
PJY Wong, RP Agarwal
Applied mathematics and computation 104 (1), 15-31, 1999
On the existence of solutions of singular boundary value problems for higher order difference equations
PJY Wong, RP Agarwal
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 28 (2), 277-287, 1997
Oscillations of higher-order neutral difference equations
RP Agarwal, E Thandapani, PJY Wong
Applied Mathematics Letters 10 (1), 71-78, 1997
Coupled System of Boundary Value Problems
RP Agarwal, D O’Regan, PJY Wong, RP Agarwal, D O’Regan, PJY Wong
Positive Solutions of Differential, Difference and Integral Equations, 119-130, 1999
Positive solutions and eigenvalues of conjugate boundary value problems
RP Agarwal, M Bohner, PJY Wong
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 42 (2), 349-374, 1999
Oscillation theorems and existence of positive monotone solutions for second order nonlinear difference equations
PJY Wong, RP Agarwal
Mathematical and computer modelling 21 (3), 63-84, 1995
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Articles 1–20