Nor Ashidi Mat Isa
Cited by
Cited by
Noise adaptive fuzzy switching median filter for salt-and-pepper noise reduction
KKV Toh, NAM Isa
IEEE signal processing letters 17 (3), 281-284, 2009
Differential evolution: A recent review based on state-of-the-art works
MF Ahmad, NAM Isa, WH Lim, KM Ang
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (5), 3831-3872, 2022
Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding–Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach
KS Tan, NAM Isa
Pattern recognition 44 (1), 1-15, 2011
Advances in solar photovoltaic tracking systems: A review
ALR Nadia, NAM Isa, MKM Desa
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 82, 2548-2569, 2018
Underwater image quality enhancement through integrated color model with Rayleigh distribution
ASA Ghani, NAM Isa
Applied soft computing 27, 219-230, 2015
Adaptive fuzzy-K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation
SN Sulaiman, NAM Isa
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (4), 2661-2668, 2010
Adaptive fuzzy moving K-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation
NAM Isa, SA Salamah, UK Ngah
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (4), 2145-2153, 2009
Adaptive contrast enhancement methods with brightness preserving
CH Ooi, NAM Isa
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (4), 2543-2551, 2010
Quadrants dynamic histogram equalization for contrast enhancement
CH Ooi, NAM Isa
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (4), 2552-2559, 2010
Enhancement of low quality underwater image through integrated global and local contrast correction
ASA Ghani, NAM Isa
Applied Soft Computing 37, 332-344, 2015
A GA-based feature selection and parameter optimization of an ANN in diagnosing breast cancer
F Ahmad, NA Mat Isa, Z Hussain, MK Osman, SN Sulaiman
Pattern Analysis and Applications 18, 861-870, 2015
Density-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for data clustering
M Alswaitti, M Albughdadi, NAM Isa
Expert Systems with Applications 91, 170-186, 2018
A constrained multi-swarm particle swarm optimization without velocity for constrained optimization problems
KM Ang, WH Lim, NAM Isa, SS Tiang, CH Wong
Expert Systems with Applications 140, 112882, 2020
An automated cervical pre-cancerous diagnostic system
NA Mat-Isa, MY Mashor, NH Othman
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 42 (1), 1-11, 2008
Underwater image quality enhancement through composition of dual-intensity images and Rayleigh-stretching
AS Abdul Ghani, NA Mat Isa
SpringerPlus 3, 1-14, 2014
Efficient single and dual axis solar tracking system controllers based on adaptive neural fuzzy inference system
ALR Nadia, NAM Isa, MKM Desa
Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences 32 (7), 459-469, 2020
Clustered-hybrid multilayer perceptron network for pattern recognition application
NAM Isa, WMFW Mamat
Applied Soft Computing 11 (1), 1457-1466, 2011
Adaptive evolutionary artificial neural networks for pattern classification
TH Oong, NAM Isa
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 22 (11), 1823-1836, 2011
Bi-histogram equalization using modified histogram bins
JR Tang, NAM Isa
Applied Soft Computing 55, 31-43, 2017
Automatic system for improving underwater image contrast and color through recursive adaptive histogram modification
ASA Ghani, NAM Isa
Computers and electronics in agriculture 141, 181-195, 2017
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Articles 1–20