Arun Kishore Ramakrishnan
Cited by
Cited by
Enabling Self-learning in Dynamic and Open IoT Environments
A Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Procedia Computer Science 32, 207-214, 2014
To cloud or not to cloud: a context-aware deployment perspective of augmented reality mobile applications
NZ Naqvi, K Moens, A Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, D Hughes, ...
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 555-562, 2015
A loosely coupled and distributed Bayesian framework for multi-context recognition in dynamic ubiquitous environments
AK Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and …, 2013
Learning Deployment Trade-offs for {Self-Optimization} of Internet of Things Applications
A kishore Ramakrishnan, NZ Naqvi, ZW Bhatti, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
10th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 13), 213-224, 2013
PRISM: Policy-driven risk-based implicit locking for improving the security of mobile end-user devices
A Ramakrishnan, J Tombal, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2015
Walking in the clouds: deployment and performance trade-offs of smart mobile applications for intelligent environments
NZ Naqvi, A kishore Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
2013 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 212-219, 2013
Learning distributed deployment and configuration trade-offs for context-aware applications in Intelligent Environments
ZW Bhatti, NZ Naqvi, A Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 6 (5), 541-559, 2014
Adaptive dissemination for mobile electronic health record applications with proactive situational awareness
D Preuveneers, NZ Naqvi, A Ramakrishnan, Y Berbers, W Joosen
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3229-3238, 2016
A Bayesian framework for life-long learning in context-aware mobile applications
AK Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Context in computing: A cross-disciplinary approach for modeling the real …, 2014
A modular and distributed bayesian framework for activity recognition in dynamic smart environments
AK Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Ambient Intelligence: 4th International Joint Conference, AmI 2013, Dublin …, 2013
Support for Data-driven Context Awareness in Smart Mobile and IoT Applications: Resource Efficient Probabilistic Models and a Quality-aware Middleware Architecture
AK Ramakrishnan
Federated mobile activity recognition using a smart service adapter for cloud offloading
AK Ramakrishnan, NZ Naqvi, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Human Centric Technology and Service in Smart Space: HumanCom 2012, 173-180, 2012
Design for failure: intelligent systems learning from their mistakes
D Preuveneers, CY Chen, A Ramakrishnan, MW Feng, PF Wang, ...
Workshop Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2014
Informative priors for ubiquitous computing applications
AK Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
BENELEARN 2014, 63, 2014
A survey on applying machine learning techniques for behavioral awareness
D Preuveneers, A Ramakrishnan, T Van Hamme, V Rimmer, Y Berbers, ...
State of the Art in AI Applied to Ambient Intelligence, 1-34, 2017
Towards a Transfer Learning-Based Approach for Monitoring Fitness Levels
M Van Assche, A Ramakrishnan, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Evolving Ambient Intelligence: AmI 2013 Workshops, Dublin, Ireland, December …, 2013
Behavior modeling and recognition methods to facilitate transitions between application-specific personalized assistance systems
A Ramakrishnan, Z Bhatti, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers, A Andrushevich, ...
Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa …, 2012
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Articles 1–17