Francesc Salvat-Pujol
Francesc Salvat-Pujol
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New capabilities of the FLUKA multi-purpose code
C Ahdida, D Bozzato, D Calzolari, F Cerutti, N Charitonidis, A Cimmino, ...
Frontiers in Physics 9, 788253, 2022
First-principles determination of Heisenberg Hamiltonian parameters for the spin- kagome antiferromagnet ZnCu(OH)Cl
HO Jeschke, F Salvat-Pujol, R Valentí
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075106, 2013
Boiling Crisis as a Critical Phenomenon
P Lloveras, F Salvat-Pujol, L Truskinovsky, E Vives
Physical Review Letters 108 (21), 215701, 2012
Barlowite as a canted antiferromagnet: Theory and experiment
HO Jeschke, F Salvat-Pujol, E Gati, NH Hoang, B Wolf, M Lang, ...
Physical Review B 92 (9), 094417, 2015
Giant pressure-induced volume collapse in the pyrite mineral MnS2
SAJ Kimber, A Salamat, SR Evans, HO Jeschke, K Muthukumar, M Tomić, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (14), 5106-5110, 2014
Surface excitations in electron spectroscopy. Part I: dielectric formalism and Monte Carlo algorithm
F Salvat‐Pujol, WSM Werner
Surface and interface analysis 45 (5), 873-894, 2013
PENGEOM—a general-purpose geometry package for Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in material systems defined by quadric surfaces
J Almansa, F Salvat-Pujol, G Díaz-Londoño, A Carnicer, AM Lallena, ...
Computer Physics Communications 199, 102-113, 2016
Physics-based simulation models for EBSD: advances and challenges
A Winkelmann, G Nolze, M Vos, F Salvat-Pujol, WSM Werner
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 109 (1), 012018, 2016
Contribution of surface plasmon decay to secondary electron emission from an Al surface
WSM Werner, F Salvat‐Pujol, W Smekal, R Khalid, F Aumayr, H Störi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (18), 2011
Oswald-Kasper-Gaukler model for reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy
F Salvat-Pujol, WSM Werner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (19), 195416, 2011
Secondary-electron emission induced by in vacuo surface excitations near a polycrystalline Al surface
WSM Werner, F Salvat-Pujol, A Bellissimo, R Khalid, W Smekal, M Novák, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 201407, 2013
Electron supersurface scattering on polycrystalline Au
WSM Werner, M Novák, F Salvat–Pujol, J Zemek, P Jiricek
Physical review letters 110 (8), 086110, 2013
NIST Database of Cross Sections for Inner-shell Ionization by Electron Or Positron Impact:.
X Llovet, F Salvat, D Bote, F Salvat-Pujol, A Jablonski, CJ Powell
US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2014
NIST database of cross sections for inner-shell ionization by electron or positron impact, version 1.0
X Llovet, F Salvat, D Bote, F Salvat-Pujol, A Jablonski, CJ Powell
NIST Standard Reference Database, 2014
Radiation load studies for superconducting dipole magnets in a 10 TeV muon collider
D Calzolari, F Salvat Pujol, G Lerner, K Skoufaris, C Carli, D Schulte, ...
JACoW IPAC 2022, 1671-1674, 2022
Secondary-electron emission from solids: coincidence experiments and dielectric formalism
F Salvat-Pujol
Simulation of heavy-ion beam losses with crystal collimation
R Cai, R Bruce, M d'Andrea, LS Esposito, P Hermes, A Lechner, ...
International Particle Accelerator Conference 2022, 2082-2086, 2022
Monte Carlo simulations for applications in electron backscatter diffraction
A Winkelmann, F Salvat-Pujol, W Werner
Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (S2), 738-739, 2013
Hysteresis in the random-field Ising model: Beyond metastable dynamics
F Salvat-Pujol, E Vives, ML Rosinberg
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
Fragmented high-energy heavy-ion beams for electronics testing
RG Alía, K Bilko, F Cerutti, A Coronetti, N Emriskova, L Esposito, FS Pujol, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (4), 486-495, 2022
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