Rodrigo Britto
Rodrigo Britto
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Total delay impact study
M Ball, C Barnhart, M Dresner, M Hansen, K Neels, A Odoni, E Peterson, ...
NEXTOR Research Symposium, Washington DC, 2010
The impact of flight delays on passenger demand and societal welfare
R Britto, M Dresner, A Voltes
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 48 (2 …, 2012
Emerging market presence, inventory, and product recall linkages
AB Steven, RA Britto
Journal of Operations Management 46, 55-68, 2016
In search of the negative relationship between product variety and inventory turnover
X Wan, R Britto, Z Zhou
International Journal of Production Economics 222, 107503, 2020
The relationship between motor carrier financial performance and safety performance
RA Britto, TM Corsi, CM Grimm
Transportation journal 49 (4), 42-51, 2010
Effect of armed conflicts on humanitarian operations: Total factor productivity and efficiency of rural hospitals
AF Jola-Sanchez, AJ Pedraza-Martinez, KM Bretthauer, RA Britto
Journal of Operations Management 45, 73-85, 2016
Aligning supply chain transportation strategy with industry characteristics: Evidence from the US-Asia supply chain
JF Ke, RJ Windle, C Han, R Britto
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 45 (9 …, 2015
Devulcanization of ground tire rubber: Thermo-oxidation followed by microwave exposure in the presence of devulcanizing agent
O Buitrago-Suescún, R Britto
Iranian Polymer Journal 29 (7), 553-567, 2020
Total Delay Impact Study: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Costs and Impacts of Flight Delay in the United States [Final Report]
M Ball, C Barnhart, M Dresner, M Hansen, K Neels, A Odoni, E Peterson, ...
NEXTOR-The National Center of Excellence For Aviation Operations Research, 2010
A forecast model for diffusion of innovations based on molecular diffusion
J Mejía, R Britto, O Buitrago
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 30, 41-54, 2015
Programación de producción en sistemas de manufactura tipo taller con el algoritmo combinado cuello de botella móvil y búsqueda tabú
RA Britto-Agudelo, G Mejía-Delgadillo, JP Caballero-Villalobos
Ingeniería y universidad 11 (2), 2007
Inferencias para la reflexión sobre la calidad de la educación superior nocturna en ingeniería en Colombia
OY Buitrago-Suescún, A Fedossova, RA Britto-Agudelo
Educación y Educadores 15 (3), 431-443, 2012
A new algorithm for solving linear programming problems
AL Ramírez, O Buitrago, RA Britto, A Fedossova
Ingenieria e Investigación 32 (2), 68-73, 2012
Dispersión de las partículas de emisiones industriales en el problema de optimización semi-infinita del área contaminada
A Fedossova, VV Fedosov, RA Britto
Información tecnológica 30 (1), 333-344, 2019
The impact of flight delays on passenger demand and consumer welfare
R Britto, M Dresner, A Voltes
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, 2010
Propuesta metodológica para la selección de la configuración de centros de distribución inmóticos utilizando análisis envolvente de datos
O Buitrago Suescun, O Palacio León, R Britto Agudelo, W Adarme Jaimes
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 24 (3), 480-492, 2016
Nuevo Algoritmo para la Construcción de la Envolvente Convexa en el Plano
OY Buitrago, AL Ramírez, RA Britto
Información tecnológica 26 (4), 137-144, 2015
Introducción a la programación lineal
A Fedossova, OY Buitrago Suescún, RA Britto Agudelo
Editorial CESA, 2011
A numerical solution for the air pollution control problem in 3D
A Gomez, A Fedossova, RA Britto
Dyna 84 (200), 342-350, 2017
Minimización de la tardanza ponderada total en talleres de manufactura aplicando colonia de hormigas
ÓYB Suescun, RAB Agudelo, GM Delgadillo
Ingeniería 14 (1), 25-30, 2009
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