Julia Frankenstein
Julia Frankenstein
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Is the map in our head oriented north?
J Frankenstein, BJ Mohler, HH Bülthoff, T Meilinger
Psychological science 23 (2), 120-125, 2012
The language of landmarks: the role of background knowledge in indoor wayfinding
J Frankenstein, S Brüssow, F Ruzzoli, C Hölscher
Cognitive processing 13, 165-170, 2012
Learning to navigate: experience versus maps
T Meilinger, J Frankenstein, HH Bülthoff
Cognition 129 (1), 24-30, 2013
Wayfinding and acquisition of spatial knowledge with navigation assistance.
S Münzer, L Lörch, J Frankenstein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 26 (1), 73, 2020
Reference frames in learning from maps and navigation
T Meilinger, J Frankenstein, K Watanabe, HH Bülthoff, C Hölscher
Psychological Research 79, 1000-1008, 2015
Influence of geometry and objects on local route choices during wayfinding
J Frankenstein, SJ Büchner, T Tenbrink, C Hölscher
Spatial Cognition VII: International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2010, Mt …, 2010
When in doubt follow your nose—a wayfinding strategy
T Meilinger, J Frankenstein, HH Bülthoff
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1363, 2014
Not all memories are the same: Situational context influences spatial recall within one’s city of residency
T Meilinger, J Frankenstein, N Simon, HH Bülthoff, JP Bresciani
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 246-252, 2016
Configurational salience of landmarks: an analysis of sketch maps using Space Syntax
R von Stülpnagel, J Frankenstein
Cognitive processing 16, 437-441, 2015
Is GPS all in our heads
J Frankenstein
New York Times 2, 2012
Global Landmarks Do Not Necessarily Improve Spatial Performance in Addition to Bodily Self-Movement Cues when Learning a Large-Scale Virtual Environment.
T Meilinger, J Schulte-Pelkum, J Frankenstein, DR Berger, HH Bülthoff
ICAT-EGVE, 25-28, 2015
How to best name a place? Facilitation and inhibition of route learning due to descriptive and arbitrary location labels
T Meilinger, J Schulte-Pelkum, J Frankenstein, G Hardiess, N Laharnar, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 76, 2016
Human navigation strategies and their errors result from dynamic interactions of spatial uncertainties
F Kessler, J Frankenstein, CA Rothkopf
Nature Communications 15 (1), 5677, 2024
A dynamic bayesian actor model explains endpoint variability in homing tasks
F Kessler, J Frankenstein, CA Rothkopf
bioRxiv, 2022.11. 09.515854, 2022
Spatial memory for highly familiar environments
J Frankenstein, T Meilinger, BJ Mohler, HH Bülthoff
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2009
Human spatial representations and spatial memory retrieval
J Frankenstein
ETH Zurich, 2015
Physical and psychological factors influencing the acceptance of vibrations on lightweight footbridges
M Stasica, J Frankenstein, G Schwinn, G Zhao, A Seyfarth
Proceedings of the Footbridge2022 Conference, Madrid, Spain, 7-9, 2022
Place naming: examining the influence of language on wayfinding
T Meilinger, J Schulte-Pelkum, J Frankenstein, N Laharnar, G Hardiess, ...
31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2009), 1997, 2009
Applying Psychophysics to Applied Spatial Cognition Research
J Frankenstein, F Kessler, C Rothkopf
Spatial Cognition XII: 12th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2020 …, 2020
Map-based Reference Frames Are Used to Organize Memory of Subsequent Navigation Experience
T Meilinger, J Frankenstein, K Watanabe, HH Bülthoff, C Hölscher
Spatial Cognition 2014, 2014
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