Igor G. Vladimirov
Igor G. Vladimirov
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Anisotropy-based performance analysis of linear discrete time invariant control systems
P Diamond, I Vladimirov, A Kurdjukov, A Semyonov
International Journal of Control 74 (1), 28-42, 2001
On computing the anisotropic norm of linear discrete-time-invariant systems
IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdjukov, AV Semyonov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (1), 3057-3062, 1996
State-space solution to anisotropy-based stochastic H∞-optimization problem
IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdjukov, AV Semyonov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (1), 3816-3821, 1996
Stochastic approach to H/sub/spl infin//-optimization
AV Semyonov, IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdjukov
Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3, 2249-2250, 1994
Anisotropy of signals and entropy of linear stationary systems
IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdyukov, AV Semenov
Doklady Mathematics-Interperiodica Translation 51 (3), 388-390, 1995
Anisotropy-based robust performance analysis of finite horizon linear discrete time varying systems
IG Vladimirov, P Diamond, P Kloeden
Automation and Remote Control 67 (8), 1265-1282, 2006
Anisotropy of signals and entropy of linear time-invariant systems
IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdyukov, AV Semenov
Doklady Akademii Nauk 342 (5), 583-585, 1995
A quasi-separation principle and Newton-like scheme for coherent quantum LQG control
IG Vladimirov, IR Petersen
Systems & Control Letters 62 (7), 550-559, 2013
The Stochastic Problem of H (infinity-Optimization
IC Vladimirov, AP Kurdyukov, AV Semenov
Doklady Mathematics-Interperiodica Translation 52 (1), 155, 1995
Coherent quantum filtering for physically realizable linear quantum plants
IG Vladimirov, IR Petersen
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 2717-2723, 2013
Pseudo-randomness of round-off errors in discretized linear maps on the plane
F Vivaldi, I Vladimirov
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13 (11), 3373-3393, 2003
Asymptotics of the anisotropic norm of linear time-independent systems
IG Vladimirov, AP Kurdyukov, AV Semenov
Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 78-87, 1999
Anisotropic norm bounded real lemma for linear discrete time varying systems
EA Maximov, AP Kurdyukov, IG Vladimirov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 4701-4706, 2011
Mean anisotropy of homogeneous Gaussian random fields and anisotropic norms of linear translation‐invariant operators on multidimensional integer lattices
P Diamond, P Kloeden, I Vladimirov
International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 16 (3), 209-231, 2003
Multi-point Gaussian states, quadratic-exponential cost functionals, and large deviations estimates for linear quantum stochastic systems
IG Vladimirov, IR Petersen, MR James
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 1-55, 2018
Homotopy methods and anisotropybased stochastic H∞ optimization of control systems
P Diamond, AP Kurdjukov, AV Semyonov, IG Vladimirov
Report 97-14 of The University of Queensland, Australia., 1, 1997
Output feedback consensus for networked heterogeneous nonlinear negative-imaginary systems with free-body motion
K Shi, IR Petersen, IG Vladimirov
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (9), 5536-5543, 2022
Robust output feedback consensus for networked identical nonlinear negative-imaginary systems
K Shi, IG Vladimirov, IR Petersen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (9), 239-244, 2021
Anisotropy–based robust performance analysis of linear time varying systems
IG Vladimirov, P Diamond, P Kloeden
CADSMAP Research Report 01–01. The University of Queensland, Australia, 2001
Anisotropy-based optimal filtering in linear discrete time invariant systems
IG Vladimirov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3010, 2014
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Articles 1–20