Aurelian-Catalin Galca
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Cited by
Double layer structure of ZnO thin films deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering on glass substrate
C Besleaga, GE Stan, AC Galca, L Ion, S Antohe
Applied Surface Science 258 (22), 8819-8824, 2012
Structural and optical characterization of porous anodic aluminum oxide
AC Gālcă, ES Kooij, H Wormeester, C Salm, V Leca, JH Rector, ...
Journal of applied physics 94 (7), 4296-4305, 2003
Pulsed laser deposition of transparent conductive oxide thin films on flexible substrates
G Socol, M Socol, N Stefan, E Axente, G Popescu-Pelin, D Craciun, ...
Applied Surface Science 260, 42-46, 2012
Optical properties of zinc oxide thin films doped with aluminum and lithium
AC Gālca, M Secu, A Vlad, JD Pedarnig
Thin Solid Films 518 (16), 4603-4606, 2010
Graphene Oxide Concentration Effect on the Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO/GO Nanocomposites
I Boukhoubza, M Khenfouch, M Achehboune, L Leontie, AC Galca, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (8), 1532, 2020
Morphological, optical and electrical properties of samarium oxide thin films
C Constantinescu, V Ion, AC Galca, M Dinescu
Thin Solid Films 520 (20), 6393-6397, 2012
Optical properties of amorphous-like indium zinc oxide and indium gallium zinc oxide thin films
AC Galca, G Socol, V Craciun
Thin Solid Films 520 (14), 4722-4725, 2012
Strong bonding between sputtered bioglass–ceramic films and Ti-substrate implants induced by atomic inter-diffusion post-deposition heat-treatments
GE Stan, AC Popa, AC Galca, G Aldica, JMF Ferreira
Applied Surface Science 280, 530-538, 2013
Substrate–target distance dependence of structural and optical properties in case of Pb (Zr, Ti) O 3 films obtained by pulsed laser deposition
AC Galca, V Stancu, MA Husanu, C Dragoi, NG Gheorghe, L Trupina, ...
Applied Surface Science 257 (14), 5938-5943, 2011
Piezoelectric BNT-BT0.11 thin films processed by sol–gel technique
M Cernea, AC Galca, MC Cioangher, C Dragoi, G Ioncea
Journal of materials science 46, 5621-5627, 2011
Structural and optical properties of c-axis oriented aluminum nitride thin films prepared at low temperature by reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering
AC Galca, GE Stan, LM Trinca, CC Negrila, LC Nistor
Thin Solid Films 524, 328-333, 2012
Investigation of DC magnetron-sputtered TiO 2 coatings: Effect of coating thickness, structure, and morphology on photocatalytic activity
S Davišsdóttir, R Shabadi, AC Galca, IH Andersen, K Dirscherl, R Ambat
Applied Surface Science 313, 677-686, 2014
Nanomechanical characterization of bioglass films synthesized by magnetron sputtering
AC Popa, VMF Marques, GE Stan, MA Husanu, AC Galca, C Ghica, ...
Thin Solid Films 553, 166-172, 2014
Tailoring of Optical, Compositional and Electrical Properties of the InxZn1-xO Thin Films Obtained by Combinatorial Pulsed Laser Deposition
G Socol, AC Galca, CR Luculescu, A Stanculescu, M Socol, N Stefan, ...
Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 6 (1), 107-115, 2011
The relationship between magnetism and magneto-optical effects in rare earth doped aluminophosphate glasses
M Valeanu, M Sofronie, AC Galca, F Tolea, M Elisa, B Sava, L Boroica, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (7), 075001, 2016
Structural, optical, and electric properties of BNT–BT0.08 thin films processed by sol–gel technique
M Cernea, L Trupina, C Dragoi, AC Galca, L Trinca
Journal of Materials Science 47, 6966-6971, 2012
Bismuth and lead oxides codoped boron phosphate glasses for Faraday rotators
BA Sava, L Boroica, M Elisa, O Shikimaka, D Grabco, M Popa, Z Barbos, ...
Ceramics International 44 (6), 6016-6025, 2018
Band-gap correlations in Bi 4 Ge 3 O 12 amorphous and glass–ceramic materials
S Polosan, AC Galca, M Secu
Solid State Sciences 13 (1), 49-53, 2011
Structural and optical properties of optimized amorphous GeTe films for memory applications
AC Galca, F Sava, ID Simandan, C Bucur, V Dumitru, C Porosnicu, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 499, 1-7, 2018
Effect of mixing complexing agents on the properties of electrodeposited CZTS thin films
MY Zaki, K Nouneh, ME Touhami, RA Belakhmima, AC Galca, L Pintilie, ...
Optical Materials 83, 252-256, 2018
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Articles 1–20