Luka Leskovec
Luka Leskovec
Jozef Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana
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Meson and -Meson-Kaon Scattering from Lattice QCD
D Mohler, CB Lang, L Leskovec, S Prelovsek, RM Woloshyn
Physical Review Letters 111 (22), 222001, 2013
mesons with and scattering near threshold
CB Lang, L Leskovec, D Mohler, S Prelovsek, RM Woloshyn
Physical Review D 90 (3), 034510, 2014
Scattering phase shifts for two particles of different mass and<? format?> nonzero total momentum in lattice QCD
L Leskovec, S Prelovsek
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (11), 114507, 2012
Evidence for from Scattering on the Lattice
S Prelovsek, L Leskovec
Physical review letters 111 (19), 192001, 2013
Lattice QCD investigation of a doubly-bottom tetraquark with quantum numbers
L Leskovec, S Meinel, M Pflaumer, M Wagner
Physical Review D 100 (1), 014503, 2019
-wave scattering and the resonance from lattice QCD
C Alexandrou, L Leskovec, S Meinel, J Negele, S Paul, M Petschlies, ...
Physical Review D 96 (3), 034525, 2017
Study of the channel using lattice QCD
S Prelovsek, CB Lang, L Leskovec, D Mohler
Physical Review D 91 (1), 014504, 2015
Pion-nucleon scattering in the Roper channel from lattice QCD
CB Lang, L Leskovec, M Padmanath, S Prelovsek
Physical Review D 95 (1), 014510, 2017
scattering for isospin and in lattice QCD
CB Lang, L Leskovec, D Mohler, S Prelovsek
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (5), 054508, 2012
scattering and the decay width from lattice QCD
S Prelovsek, L Leskovec, CB Lang, D Mohler
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (5), 054508, 2013
Search for Zc+ (3900) in the 1+− channel on the lattice
S Prelovsek, L Leskovec
Physics Letters B 727 (1-3), 172-176, 2013
transition and the radiative decay width from lattice QCD
C Alexandrou, L Leskovec, S Meinel, J Negele, S Paul, M Petschlies, ...
Physical review D 98 (7), 074502, 2018
Strong interaction physics at the luminosity frontier with 22 GeV electrons at Jefferson Lab
A Accardi, P Achenbach, D Adhikari, A Afanasev, CS Akondi, N Akopov, ...
The European Physical Journal A 60 (9), 173, 2024
Vector and scalar charmonium resonances with lattice QCD
CB Lang, L Leskovec, D Mohler, S Prelovsek
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (9), 1-24, 2015
Axial resonances a 1 (1260), b 1 (1235) and their decays from the lattice
CB Lang, L Leskovec, D Mohler, S Prelovsek
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (4), 1-16, 2014
-wave nucleon-pion scattering amplitude in the channel from lattice QCD
G Silvi, S Paul, C Alexandrou, S Krieg, L Leskovec, S Meinel, J Negele, ...
Physical Review D 103 (9), 094508, 2021
Constraining coupled-channel amplitudes in a finite volume
RA Briceño, JJ Dudek, L Leskovec
Physical Review D 104 (5), 054509, 2021
-wave and -wave scattering and the and resonances from lattice QCD
G Rendon, L Leskovec, S Meinel, J Negele, S Paul, M Petschlies, ...
Physical Review D 102 (11), 114520, 2020
Existence and non-existence of doubly heavy tetraquark bound states
M Pflaumer, L Leskovec, S Meinel, M Wagner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.10704, 2021
scattering and the resonance in 2+1 flavor QCD
G Rendon, L Leskovec, S Meinel, J Negele, S Paul, M Petschlies, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10750, 2018
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