Soura Dasgupta
Soura Dasgupta
F Wendell Miller University of Iowa Foundation Distinguished Professor of ECE
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Source localization in wireless sensor networks from signal time-of-arrival measurements
E Xu, Z Ding, S Dasgupta
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (6), 2887-2897, 2011
Asymptotically convergent modified recursive least-squares with data-dependent updating and forgetting factor for systems with bounded noise
S Dasgupta, YF Huang
IEEE Transactions on information theory 33 (3), 383-392, 1987
Circumnavigation using distance measurements under slow drift
I Shames, S Dasgupta, B Fidan, BDO Anderson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (4), 889-903, 2011
Control of minimally persistent formations in the plane
C Yu, BDO Anderson, S Dasgupta, B Fidan
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (1), 206-233, 2009
Target tracking and mobile sensor navigation in wireless sensor networks
E Xu, Z Ding, S Dasgupta
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 12 (1), 177-186, 2011
Control of a three-coleader formation in the plane
BDO Anderson, C Yu, S Dasgupta, AS Morse
Systems & Control Letters 56 (9-10), 573-578, 2007
Distributed control for optimal economic dispatch of a network of heterogeneous power generators
R Mudumbai, S Dasgupta, BB Cho
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (4), 1750-1760, 2012
Multiple source localization in wireless sensor networks based on time of arrival measurement
H Shen, Z Ding, S Dasgupta, C Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (8), 1938-1949, 2014
Control of minimally persistent leader-remote-follower and coleader formations in the plane
TH Summers, C Yu, S Dasgupta, BDO Anderson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (12), 2778-2792, 2011
Robust strict positive realness: characterization and construction
BDO Anderson, S Dasgupta, P Khargonekar, FJ Kraus, M Mansour
IEEE Transactions on circuits and Systems 37 (7), 869-876, 1990
Maintaining a directed, triangular formation of mobile autonomous agents
BDO Anderson, M Cao, S Dasgupta, AS Morse, C Yu
Communications in information and Systems 11 (1), 1-16, 2011
Distance estimation from received signal strength under log-normal shadowing: Bias and variance
SD Chitte, S Dasgupta
2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, 256-259, 2008
Lyapunov functions for uncertain systems with applications to the stability of time varying systems
S Dasgupta, G Chockalingam, BDO Anderson, M Fu
Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, IEEE …, 1994
Controlling a triangular formation of mobile autonomous agents
M Cao, AS Morse, C Yu, BDO Anderson, S Dasguvta
2007 46th ieee conference on decision and control, 3603-3608, 2007
Conditions for designing strictly positive real transfer functions for adaptive output error identification
S Dasgupta, A Bhagwat
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems 34 (7), 731-736, 1987
A semidefinite programming approach to source localization in wireless sensor networks
C Meng, Z Ding, S Dasgupta
IEEE signal processing letters 15, 253-256, 2008
Kharitonov's theorem revisited
S Dasgupta
Systems & Control Letters 11 (5), 381-384, 1988
Linear predictive coding distinguishes spectral EEG features of Parkinson's disease
MF Anjum, S Dasgupta, R Mudumbai, A Singh, JF Cavanagh, ...
Parkinsonism & related disorders 79, 79-85, 2020
Adaptive estimation of eigensubspace
G Mathew, VU Reddy, S Dasgupta
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43 (2), 401-411, 1995
Fully wireless implementation of distributed beamforming on a software-defined radio platform
MM Rahman, HE Baidoo-Williams, R Mudumbai, S Dasgupta
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing …, 2012
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