Giuseppe Antonio Zampogna
Giuseppe Antonio Zampogna
DICCA, Univeersità degli Studi di Genova
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Cited by
Fluid flow over and through a regular bundle of rigid fibres
GA Zampogna, A Bottaro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792, 5-35, 2016
Generalized slip condition over rough surfaces
GA Zampogna, J Magnaudet, A Bottaro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 858, 407-436, 2019
Instability of canopy flows
GA Zampogna, F Pluvinage, A Kourta, A Bottaro
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5421-5432, 2016
A computational continuum model of poroelastic beds
U Lācis, GA Zampogna, S Bagheri
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
Effective stress jump across membranes
GA Zampogna, F Gallaire
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 892, A9, 2020
Modeling waves in fluids flowing over and through poroelastic media
GA Zampogna, U Lācis, S Bagheri, A Bottaro
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 110, 148-164, 2019
On the effect of a penetrating recirculation region on the bifurcations of the flow past a permeable sphere
M Ciuti, GA Zampogna, F Gallaire, S Camarri, PG Ledda
Physics of Fluids 33 (12), 2021
From thin plates to Ahmed bodies: linear and weakly nonlinear stability of rectangular prisms
GA Zampogna, E Boujo
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966, A19, 2023
Homogenization-based design of microstructured membranes: Wake flows past permeable shells
PG Ledda, E Boujo, S Camarri, F Gallaire, GA Zampogna
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 927, A31, 2021
Compliant riblets: Problem formulation and effective macrostructural properties
GA Zampogna, SB Naqvi, J Magnaudet, A Bottaro
Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102708, 2019
A penalization method to treat the interface between a free-fluid region and a fibrous porous medium
N Luminari, GA Zampogna, C Airiau, A Bottaro
Journal of Porous Media 22 (9), 2019
Transport across thin membranes: Effective solute flux jump
GA Zampogna, PG Ledda, F Gallaire
Physics of Fluids 34 (8), 2022
Permeability sets the linear path instability of buoyancy-driven disks
G Vagnoli, GA Zampogna, S Camarri, F Gallaire, PG Ledda
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 955, A29, 2023
Unstable flow structures in the Blasius boundary layer
H Wedin, A Bottaro, A Hanifi, G Zampogna
The European Physical Journal E 37, 1-20, 2014
The PELskin project—part III: a homogenized model of flows over and through dense poroelastic media
GA Zampogna, A Bottaro
Meccanica 52 (8), 1797-1808, 2017
Von Karman vortex street past a permeable circular cylinder. Two-dimensional flow and dynamic-mode-decomposition-based secondary stability analysis
FC Lombardi, A Bongarzone, GA Zampogna, F Gallaire, S Camarri, ...
Physical Review Fluids 8 (8), 083901, 2023
Homogenization-based optimization of wake flows past permeable membranes
PG Ledda, E Boujo, S Camarri, F Gallaire, GA Zampogna
J. Fluid Mech 927, A31, 2021
Homogenized-based modeling of flows over and through poroelastic media
GA Zampogna
PhD thesis, University of Genova, Italy, 2016
A penalization method to handle the interface between a free-fluid region and a fibrous porous medium
N Luminari, G Zampogna, C Airiau, A Bottaro
Journal of Porous Media, 2018
Coating thickness prediction for a viscous film on a rough plate
L Molefe, GA Zampogna, JM Kolinski, F Gallaire
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.20632, 2024
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Articles 1–20