Timm Teubner
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The limits of trust-free systems: A literature review on blockchain technology and trust in the sharing economy
F Hawlitschek, B Notheisen, T Teubner
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 29, 50-63, 2018
Trust in the sharing economy
F Hawlitschek, T Teubner, C Weinhardt
Die Unternehmung 70 (1), 26-44, 2016
Understanding the sharing economy: Drivers and impediments for participation in peer-to-peer rental
F Hawlitschek, T Teubner, H Gimpel
HICSS 2016 Proceedings, 4782-4791, 2016
Welcome to the era of ChatGPT et al. — The prospects of large language models
T Teubner, CM Flath, C Weinhardt, W van der Aalst, O Hinz
Business & Information Systems Engineering 65 (2), 95-101, 2023
Price determinants on Airbnb: How reputation pays off in the sharing economy
T Teubner, F Hawlitschek, D Dann
Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 5 (4), 53-80, 2017
Transparency and trust in artificial intelligence systems
P Schmidt, F Biessmann, T Teubner
Journal of Decision Systems 29 (4), 260-278, 2020
Consumer motives for peer-to-peer sharing
F Hawlitschek, T Teubner, H Gimpel
Journal of Cleaner Production 204, 144-157, 2018
Poster child and guinea pig—Insights from a structured literature review on Airbnb
D Dann, T Teubner, C Weinhardt
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31 (1), 427-473, 2019
The economics of multi-hop ride sharing: Creating new mobility networks through IS
T Teubner, CM Flath
Business & Information Systems Engineering 57 (5), 311-324, 2015
Privacy in the sharing economy
T Teubner, CM Flath
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20 (3), 213-242, 2019
Thoughts on the sharing economy
T Teubner
Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce 11, 322-326, 2014
The impact of computerized agents on immediate emotions, overall arousal and bidding behavior in electronic auctions
T Teubner, M Adam, R Riordan
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 16 (10), 838-879, 2015
Understanding resource sharing in C2C platforms: The role of picture humanization
T Teubner, MTP Adam, S Camacho, K Hassanein
ACIS 2014 Proceedings, 1-10, 2014
Using co-design in mHealth systems development: A qualitative study with experts in co-design and mHealth system development
T Noorbergen, MTP Adam, C Collins, T Teubner
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (11), e27896, 2021
Time pressure in human cybersecurity behavior: Theoretical framework and countermeasures
N Chowdhury, MTP Adam, T Teubner
Computers & Security 97, 101931, 2020
Only one room left! How scarcity cues affect booking intentions on hospitality platforms
T Teubner, A Graul
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 39, 100910, 2020
A 2020 perspective on “The limits of trust-free systems: A literature review on blockchain technology and trust in the sharing economy”
F Hawlitschek, B Notheisen, T Teubner
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 40, 100935, 2020
Avatars and embodied agents in experimental information systems research: A systematic review and conceptual framework
HM Aljaroodi, MTP Adam, R Chiong, T Teubner
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 23, 1-37, 2019
Between enthusiasm and refusal: A cluster analysis on consumer types and attitudes towards peer‐to‐peer sharing
F Neunhoeffer, T Teubner
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 17 (2), 221-236, 2018
The economics of peer-to-peer online sharing
T Teubner, F Hawlitschek
The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities …, 2018
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