Jean Baptiste Durand
Jean Baptiste Durand
CNRS Research Director (DR2), Cerco (CNRS-UT), TMBI (Univ. Toulouse)
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Default mode of brain function in monkeys
D Mantini, A Gerits, K Nelissen, JB Durand, O Joly, L Simone, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (36), 12954-12962, 2011
Mapping the parietal cortex of human and non-human primates
GA Orban, K Claeys, K Nelissen, R Smans, S Sunaert, JT Todd, C Wardak, ...
Neuropsychologia 44 (13), 2647-2667, 2006
Anterior regions of monkey parietal cortex process visual 3D shape
JB Durand, K Nelissen, O Joly, C Wardak, JT Todd, JF Norman, ...
Neuron 55 (3), 493-505, 2007
Functional architecture of the somatosensory homunculus detected by electrostimulation
FE Roux, I Djidjeli, JB Durand
The Journal of physiology 596 (5), 941-956, 2018
Parietal regions processing visual 3D shape extracted from disparity
JB Durand, R Peeters, JF Norman, JT Todd, GA Orban
Neuroimage 46 (4), 1114-1126, 2009
Functional architecture of the motor homunculus detected by electrostimulation
FE Roux, M Niare, S Charni, C Giussani, JB Durand
The Journal of Physiology, 2020
The neural basis for writing from dictation in the temporoparietal cortex
FE Roux, JB Durand, E Réhault, S Planton, L Draper, JF Démonet
Cortex 50, 64-75, 2014
Segregation of lexical and sub-lexical reading processes in the left perisylvian cortex
FE Roux, JB Durand, M Jucla, E Réhault, M Reddy, JF Démonet
PloS one 7 (11), e50665, 2012
Neural bases of stereopsis across visual field of the alert macaque monkey
JB Durand, S Celebrini, Y Trotter
Cerebral Cortex 17 (6), 1260-1273, 2007
Processing of egomotion-consistent optic flow in the rhesus macaque cortex
BR Cottereau, AT Smith, S Rima, D Fize, Y Héjja-Brichard, L Renaud, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (1), 330-343, 2017
Neurons in parafoveal areas V1 and V2 encode vertical and horizontal disparities
JB Durand, S Zhu, S Celebrini, Y Trotter
Journal of Neurophysiology 88 (5), 2874-2879, 2002
Privileged processing of the straight-ahead direction in primate area V1
JB Durand, Y Trotter, S Celebrini
Neuron 66 (1), 126-137, 2010
Electrostimulation mapping of comprehension of auditory and visual words
FE Roux, K Minkin, JB Durand, O Sacko, E Réhault, R Tanova, ...
Cortex 71, 398-408, 2015
The extraction of depth structure from shading and texture in the macaque brain
K Nelissen, O Joly, JB Durand, JT Todd, W Vanduffel, GA Orban
PloS one 4 (12), e8306, 2009
Evidence for implication of primate area V1 in neural 3-D spatial localization processing
Y Trotter, S Celebrini, JB Durand
Journal of Physiology-Paris 98 (1-3), 125-134, 2004
Variability of intraoperative electrostimulation parameters in conscious individuals: language cortex
FE Roux, JB Durand, I Djidjeli, E Moyse, C Giussani
Journal of Neurosurgery 126 (5), 1641-1652, 2017
Allocentric coding: Spatial range and combination rules
D Camors, C Jouffrais, BR Cottereau, JB Durand
Vision Research 109, 87-98, 2015
Privileged visual processing of the straight-ahead direction in humans
JB Durand, D Camors, Y Trotter, S Celebrini
Journal of vision 12 (6), 34-34, 2012
Stereomotion processing in the nonhuman primate brain
Y Héjja-Brichard, S Rima, E Rapha, JB Durand, BR Cottereau
Cerebral Cortex 30 (8), 4528-4543, 2020
Connectivity of the cingulate sulcus visual area (CSv) in macaque monkeys
V De Castro, AT Smith, AL Beer, C Leguen, N Vayssière, Y Héjja-Brichard, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (2), 1347-1364, 2021
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