Marcus Huber
Marcus Huber
Technical University Vienna (TUW) & Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI
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The role of quantum information in thermodynamics—a topical review
J Goold, M Huber, A Riera, L Del Rio, P Skrzypczyk
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (14), 143001, 2016
Observation of entangled states of a fully controlled 20-qubit system
N Friis, O Marty, C Maier, C Hempel, M Holzäpfel, P Jurcevic, MB Plenio, ...
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021012, 2018
Multi-photon entanglement in high dimensions
M Malik, M Erhard, M Huber, M Krenn, R Fickler, A Zeilinger
Nature Photonics 10 (4), 248-252, 2016
Generation and confirmation of a (100× 100)-dimensional entangled quantum system
M Krenn, M Huber, R Fickler, R Lapkiewicz, S Ramelow, A Zeilinger
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (17), 6243-6247, 2014
Entanglement certification from theory to experiment
N Friis, G Vitagliano, M Malik, M Huber
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (1), 72-87, 2019
Entanglement generation is not necessary for optimal work extraction
KV Hovhannisyan, M Perarnau-Llobet, M Huber, A Acín
Physical review letters 111 (24), 240401, 2013
Extractable work from correlations
M Perarnau-Llobet, KV Hovhannisyan, M Huber, P Skrzypczyk, N Brunner, ...
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041011, 2015
Chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and multi-photon entanglement in silicon
D Llewellyn, Y Ding, II Faruque, S Paesani, D Bacco, R Santagati, ...
Nature Physics 16 (2), 148-153, 2020
Measure of genuine multipartite entanglement with computable lower bounds
ZH Ma, ZH Chen, JL Chen, C Spengler, A Gabriel, M Huber
Physical Review A 83 (6), 62325, 2011
Detection of high-dimensional genuine multipartite entanglement of mixed states
M Huber, F Mintert, A Gabriel, BC Hiesmayr
Physical review letters 104 (21), 210501, 2010
Overcoming noise in entanglement distribution
S Ecker, F Bouchard, L Bulla, F Brandt, O Kohout, F Steinlechner, ...
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041042, 2019
Entanglement enhances cooling in microscopic quantum refrigerators
N Brunner, M Huber, N Linden, S Popescu, R Silva, P Skrzypczyk
Physical Review E 89 (3), 032115, 2014
No-go theorem for the characterization of work fluctuations in coherent quantum systems
M Perarnau-Llobet, E Bäumer, KV Hovhannisyan, M Huber, A Acin
Physical review letters 118 (7), 070601, 2017
Entanglement detection via mutually unbiased bases
C Spengler, M Huber, S Brierley, T Adaktylos, BC Hiesmayr
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 022311, 2012
Interface between path and orbital angular momentum entanglement for high-dimensional photonic quantum information
R Fickler, R Lapkiewicz, M Huber, MPJ Lavery, MJ Padgett, A Zeilinger
Nature communications 5 (1), 4502, 2014
Quantum Hypergraph States
M Rossi, M Huber, D Bruß, C Macchiavello
New J. Phys. 15, 113022 (2013), 2012
Measurements in two bases are sufficient for certifying high-dimensional entanglement
J Bavaresco, N Herrera Valencia, C Klöckl, M Pivoluska, P Erker, N Friis, ...
Nature Physics 14 (10), 1032-1037, 2018
Autonomous quantum clocks: does thermodynamics limit our ability to measure time?
P Erker, MT Mitchison, R Silva, MP Woods, N Brunner, M Huber
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031022, 2017
The structure of multidimensional entanglement in multipartite systems
M Huber, JI de Vicente
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 030501 (2013), 2012
Distribution of high-dimensional entanglement via an intra-city free-space link
F Steinlechner, S Ecker, M Fink, B Liu, J Bavaresco, M Huber, T Scheidl, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-7, 2017
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