Eduardo Latorre Iglesias
Eduardo Latorre Iglesias
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Recent developments in the prediction and control of aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
DJ Thompson, E Latorre Iglesias, X Liu, J Zhu, Z Hu
International Journal of Rail Transportation 3 (3), 119-150, 2015
Component-based model to predict aerodynamic noise from high-speed train pantographs
EL Iglesias, DJ Thompson, MG Smith
Journal of Sound and Vibration 394, 280-305, 2017
Anechoic wind tunnel tests on high-speed train bogie aerodynamic noise
E Latorre Iglesias, DJ Thompson, M Smith, T Kitagawa, N Yamazaki
International Journal of Rail Transportation 5 (2), 87-109, 2017
Experimental study of the aerodynamic noise radiated by cylinders with different cross-sections and yaw angles
EL Iglesias, DJ Thompson, MG Smith
Journal of Sound and Vibration 361, 108-129, 2016
Aerodynamic noise of high-speed train pantographs: Comparisons between field measurements and an updated component-based prediction model
X Liu, J Zhang, D Thompson, EL Iglesias, G Squicciarini, Z Hu, M Toward, ...
Applied Acoustics 175, 107791, 2021
Component-based model for aerodynamic noise of high-speed trains
EL Iglesias, DJ Thompson, MG Smith
Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: Proceedings …, 2015
Validation tests for flow induced excitation and noise radiation from a car window
M Smith, E Latorre Iglesias, P Bremner, F Mendonca
18th AIAA/CEAS aeroacoustics conference (33rd AIAA aeroacoustics conference …, 2012
MOSQITO: an open-source and free toolbox for sound quality metrics in the industry and education
R San Millán-Castillo, E Latorre-Iglesias, M Glesser, S Wanty, ...
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 263 (5), 1164-1175, 2021
Measuring operational deflection shapes with a scanning PU probe
D Fernandez Comesana, E Latorre Iglesias, HE de Bree, J Wind, ...
On the feasibility of a component-based approach to predict aerodynamic noise from high-speed train bogies
EL Iglesias, D Thompson, JM Paniagua, JG García
Applied Acoustics 211, 109536, 2023
Methodology to evaluate the uncertainty of train exterior noise prediction
E Latorre Iglesias, J Xia, M Ethesam Farooq, A Bistagnino, J Sapena
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2019
Methodology to evaluate the uncertainty of train exterior noise predictions
E Latorre Iglesias, J Xia, A Bistagnino, J Sapena
Noise and Vibration Emerging Methods (NOVEM) 2018, Ibiza, Spain, 2018
Comparison between subjective evaluation and psychoacoustic parameters for car steering wheel rattle noise assessment
EL Iglesias, DG Figueroa, RSM Castillo
EUROREGIO 2016 Congress and Conference Proceedings. European Acoustics …, 2016
Exploiting spatial diversity for increasing the robustness of sound source localization systems against reverberation
G Garcia-Barrios, EL Iglesias, JM Gutierrez-Arriola, R Fraile, ...
Applied Acoustics 202, 109138, 2023
Comparison of two sound intensity in situ measurement techniques to calculate the sound power level of a noise source
J Egea, E Latorre, C Sánchez, CC Rodrigues
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2010 (5), 5958 …, 2010
Vibration and noise radiation from a panel excited by a turbulent flow
M Smith, EL Iglesias
Acoustics 2012, 2012
Component-based model to predict aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
E Latorre Iglesias
University of Southampton, 2015
Component-Based Model to Predict Aerodynamic Noise from High-Speed Train Bogies
T Tonai, E Latorre Iglesias, T Uda, T Kitagawa, J Muñoz Paniagua, ...
International Workshop on Railway Noise, 199-208, 2022
Engagement capstone projects: A collaborative approach to a case study in psychoacoustics
R San Millán-Castillo, E Latorre-Iglesias, M Glesser
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152 (4), 2183-2186, 2022
Component-based model to predict aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
EL Iglesias
University of Southampton, 2015
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