UTD-MHAD: A multimodal dataset for human action recognition utilizing a depth camera and a wearable inertial sensor C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz 2015 IEEE International conference on image processing (ICIP), 168-172, 2015 | 910 | 2015 |
Enabling effective programming and flexible management of efficient body sensor network applications G Fortino, R Giannantonio, R Gravina, P Kuryloski, R Jafari IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 43 (1), 115-133, 2012 | 472 | 2012 |
A survey of depth and inertial sensor fusion for human action recognition C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 4405-4425, 2017 | 416 | 2017 |
Improving human action recognition using fusion of depth camera and inertial sensors C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 45 (1), 51-61, 2014 | 311 | 2014 |
Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, implementation and applications E Sazonov Academic Press, 2020 | 295 | 2020 |
A wearable system for recognizing American sign language in real-time using IMU and surface EMG sensors J Wu, L Sun, R Jafari IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (5), 1281-1290, 2016 | 293 | 2016 |
Distributed recognition of human actions using wearable motion sensor networks AY Yang, R Jafari, SS Sastry, R Bajcsy Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1 (2), 103-115, 2009 | 278 | 2009 |
Action recognition from depth sequences using depth motion maps-based local binary patterns C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz 2015 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision, 1092-1099, 2015 | 261 | 2015 |
Wireless sensor networks for health monitoring R Jafari, A Encarnacao, A Zahoory, F Dabiri, H Noshadi, M Sarrafzadeh The second annual international conference on mobile and ubiquitous systems …, 2005 | 198 | 2005 |
A real-time human action recognition system using depth and inertial sensor fusion C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (3), 773-781, 2015 | 192 | 2015 |
BioWatch: A noninvasive wrist-based blood pressure monitor that incorporates training techniques for posture and subject variability SS Thomas, V Nathan, C Zong, K Soundarapandian, X Shi, R Jafari IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (5), 1291-1300, 2015 | 188 | 2015 |
Fusion of inertial and depth sensor data for robust hand gesture recognition K Liu, C Chen, R Jafari, N Kehtarnavaz IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (6), 1898-1903, 2014 | 177 | 2014 |
Noninvasive cuffless blood pressure estimation using pulse transit time and impedance plethysmography TH Huynh, R Jafari, WY Chung IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66 (4), 967-976, 2018 | 172 | 2018 |
Wireless body area networks: technology, implementation, and applications MR Yuce, J Khan CRC Press, 2011 | 172 | 2011 |
CareNet: an integrated wireless sensor networking environment for remote healthcare S Jiang, Y Cao, S Iyengar, P Kuryloski, R Jafari, Y Xue, R Bajcsy, ... 3rd international ICST conference on body area networks, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
A body sensor network with electromyogram and inertial sensors: Multimodal interpretation of muscular activities H Ghasemzadeh, R Jafari, B Prabhakaran IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 14 (2), 198-206, 2009 | 165 | 2009 |
From modeling to implementation of virtual sensors in body sensor networks N Raveendranathan, S Galzarano, V Loseu, R Gravina, R Giannantonio, ... IEEE Sensors Journal 12 (3), 583-593, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Sport training using body sensor networks: A statistical approach to measure wrist rotation for golf swing H Ghasemzadeh, V Loseu, E Guenterberg, R Jafari 4th International ICST Conference on Body Area Networks, 2011 | 160 | 2011 |
Coordination analysis of human movements with body sensor networks: A signal processing model to evaluate baseball swings H Ghasemzadeh, R Jafari IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (3), 603-610, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Continuous cuffless monitoring of arterial blood pressure via graphene bioimpedance tattoos D Kireev, K Sel, B Ibrahim, N Kumar, A Akbari, R Jafari, D Akinwande Nature nanotechnology 17 (8), 864-870, 2022 | 156 | 2022 |