Pepin Henri
Pepin Henri
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Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals
J Itatani, J Levesque, D Zeidler, H Niikura, H Pépin, JC Kieffer, ...
Nature 432 (7019), 867-871, 2004
Laser-driven proton scaling laws and new paths towards energy increase
J Fuchs, P Antici, E d’Humières, E Lefebvre, M Borghesi, E Brambrink, ...
Nature physics 2 (1), 48-54, 2006
Laser-induced electron tunneling and diffraction
M Meckel, D Comtois, D Zeidler, A Staudte, D Pavicic, HC Bandulet, ...
Science 320 (5882), 1478-1482, 2008
Ultralow emittance, multi-MeV proton beams from a laser virtual-cathode plasma accelerator
TE Cowan, J Fuchs, H Ruhl, A Kemp, P Audebert, M Roth, R Stephens, ...
Physical review letters 92 (20), 204801, 2004
Filamentation of ultrashort pulse laser beams resulting from their propagation over long distances in air
B La Fontaine, F Vidal, Z Jiang, CY Chien, D Comtois, A Desparois, ...
Physics of plasmas 6 (5), 1615-1621, 1999
Time-resolved observation of ultrahigh intensity laser-produced electron jets propagating through transparent solid targets
L Gremillet, F Amiranoff, SD Baton, JC Gauthier, M Koenig, E Martinolli, ...
Physical Review Letters 83 (24), 5015, 1999
Laboratory formation of a scaled protostellar jet by coaligned poloidal magnetic field
B Albertazzi, A Ciardi, M Nakatsutsumi, T Vinci, J Béard, R Bonito, ...
Science 346 (6207), 325-328, 2014
Comparison of laser ion acceleration from the front and rear surfaces of thin foils
J Fuchs, Y Sentoku, S Karsch, J Cobble, P Audebert, A Kemp, A Nikroo, ...
Physical review letters 94 (4), 045004, 2005
Ultrafast x‐ray sources
JC Kieffer, M Chaker, JP Matte, H Pepin, CY Côté, Y Beaudoin, ...
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 5 (7), 2676-2681, 1993
Dynamics of subpicosecond relativistic laser pulse self-channeling in an underdense preformed plasma
J Fuchs, G Malka, JC Adam, F Amiranoff, SD Baton, N Blanchot, A Héron, ...
Physical Review Letters 80 (8), 1658, 1998
Short-pulse laser absorption in very steep plasma density gradients
JC Kieffer, P Audebert, M Chaker, JP Matte, H Pépin, TW Johnston, ...
Physical review letters 62 (7), 760, 1989
Electron distribution anisotropy in laser-produced plasmas from x-ray line polarization measurements
JC Kieffer, JP Matte, H Pépin, M Chaker, Y Beaudoin, TW Johnston, ...
Physical review letters 68 (4), 480, 1992
Suprathermal electron generation and channel formation by an ultrarelativistic laser pulse in an underdense preformed plasma
G Malka, J Fuchs, F Amiranoff, SD Baton, R Gaillard, JL Miquel, H Pépin, ...
Physical review letters 79 (11), 2053, 1997
Experimental evidence of electric inhibition in fast electron penetration and of electric-field-limited fast electron transport in dense matter
F Pisani, A Bernardinello, D Batani, A Antonicci, E Martinolli, M Koenig, ...
Physical Review E 62 (5), R5927, 2000
Triggering and guiding high-voltage large-scale leader discharges with sub-joule ultrashort laser pulses
H Pépin, D Comtois, F Vidal, CY Chien, A Desparois, TW Johnston, ...
Physics of plasmas 8 (5), 2532-2539, 2001
Polarization state of high-order harmonic emission from aligned molecules
J Levesque, Y Mairesse, N Dudovich, H Pépin, JC Kieffer, PB Corkum, ...
Physical review letters 99 (24), 243001, 2007
Hot electrons transverse refluxing in ultraintense laser-solid interactions
S Buffechoux, J Psikal, M Nakatsutsumi, L Romagnani, A Andreev, K Zeil, ...
Physical review letters 105 (1), 015005, 2010
Observation of Coulomb focusing in tunnelling ionization of noble gases
D Comtois, D Zeidler, H Pépin, JC Kieffer, DM Villeneuve, PB Corkum
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (12), 1923, 2005
Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets
P Antici, J Fuchs, E d’Humières, E Lefebvre, M Borghesi, E Brambrink, ...
Physics of Plasmas 14 (3), 2007
Modeling the triggering of streamers in air by ultrashort laser pulses
F Vidal, D Comtois, CY Chien, A Desparois, B La Fontaine, TW Johnston, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 28 (2), 418-433, 2000
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Articles 1–20