Shan Jia
Shan Jia
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A survey on 3D mask presentation attack detection and countermeasures
S Jia, G Guo, Z Xu
Pattern recognition 98, 107032, 2020
Coarse-to-fine copy-move forgery detection for video forensics
S Jia, Z Xu, H Wang, C Feng, T Wang
IEEE Access 6, 25323-25335, 2018
Motion-adaptive frame deletion detection for digital video forensics
C Feng, Z Xu, S Jia, W Zhang, Y Xu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for video Technology 27 (12), 2543 …, 2016
Detection of genuine and posed facial expressions of emotion: databases and methods
S Jia, S Wang, C Hu, PJ Webster, X Li
Frontiers in psychology 11, 580287, 2021
3D face anti-spoofing with factorized bilinear coding
S Jia, X Li, C Hu, G Guo, Z Xu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31 (10), 4031 …, 2020
Fusing global and local features for generalized ai-synthesized image detection
Y Ju, S Jia, L Ke, H Xue, K Nagano, S Lyu
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3465-3469, 2022
Ai-synthesized voice detection using neural vocoder artifacts
C Sun, S Jia, S Hou, S Lyu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
DCCP: an effective data placement strategy for data-intensive computations in distributed cloud computing systems
T Wang, S Yao, Z Xu, S Jia
The Journal of Supercomputing 72, 2537-2564, 2016
Why current differential privacy schemes are inapplicable for correlated data publishing?
H Wang, Z Xu, S Jia, Y Xia, X Zhang
World Wide Web, 1-23, 2020
Face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios: A comprehensive evaluation
S Jia, G Guo, Z Xu, Q Wang
Image and Vision Computing 93, 103826, 2020
Improving fairness in deepfake detection
Y Ju, S Hu, S Jia, GH Chen, S Lyu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
Model attribution of face-swap deepfake videos
S Jia, X Li, S Lyu
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2356-2360, 2022
GLFF: Global and Local Feature Fusion for AI-synthesized Image Detection
Y Ju, S Jia, J Cai, H Guan, S Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023
Face spoofing detection under super-realistic 3D wax face attacks
S Jia, C Hu, X Li, Z Xu
Pattern Recognition Letters 145, 103-109, 2021
Can chatgpt detect deepfakes? a study of using multimodal large language models for media forensics
S Jia, R Lyu, K Zhao, Y Chen, Z Yan, Y Ju, C Hu, X Li, B Wu, S Lyu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Integrating audio-visual features for multimodal deepfake detection
S Muppalla, S Jia*, S Lyu
2023 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), 1-5, 2023
Autosplice: A text-prompt manipulated image dataset for media forensics
S Jia, M Huang, Z Zhou, Y Ju, J Cai, S Lyu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
A database for face presentation attack using wax figure faces
S Jia, C Hu, G Guo, Z Xu
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 39-47, 2019
Cluster-indistinguishability: A practical differential privacy mechanism for trajectory clustering
H Wang, Z Xu, S Jia
Intelligent Data Analysis 21 (6), 1305-1326, 2017
Prefetching scheme for massive spatiotemporal data in a smart city
L Xiong, Z Xu, H Wang, S Jia, L Zhu
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (1), 4127358, 2016
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