Joris Vangeneugden
Joris Vangeneugden
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Orientation-tuned surround suppression in mouse visual cortex
MW Self, JAM Lorteije, J Vangeneugden, EH van Beest, ME Grigore, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (28), 9290-9304, 2014
Functional differentiation of macaque visual temporal cortical neurons using a parametric action space
J Vangeneugden, F Pollick, R Vogels
Cerebral cortex 19 (3), 593-611, 2009
Distinct neural mechanisms for body form and body motion discriminations
J Vangeneugden, MV Peelen, D Tadin, L Battelli
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2), 574-585, 2014
Stimulus similarity-contingent neural adaptation can be time and cortical area dependent
BE Verhoef, G Kayaert, E Franko, J Vangeneugden, R Vogels
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (42), 10631-10640, 2008
Distinct mechanisms for coding of visual actions in macaque temporal cortex
J Vangeneugden, PA De Maziere, MM Van Hulle, T Jaeggli, L Van Gool, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2), 385-401, 2011
Activity in lateral visual areas contributes to surround suppression in awake mouse V1
J Vangeneugden, EH van Beest, MX Cohen, JAM Lorteije, S Mukherjee, ...
Current Biology 29 (24), 4268-4275. e7, 2019
The representation of subordinate shape similarity in human occipitotemporal cortex
S Panis, J Vangeneugden, HPO de Beeck, J Wagemans
Journal of Vision 8 (10), 9-9, 2008
Discrimination of locomotion direction in impoverished displays of walkers by macaque monkeys
J Vangeneugden, K Vancleef, T Jaeggli, L VanGool, R Vogels
Journal of Vision 10 (4), 22-22, 2010
Similarity, typicality, and category-level matching of morphed outlines of everyday objects
S Panis, J Vangeneugden, J Wagemans
Perception 37 (12), 1822-1849, 2008
Signatures of knee osteoarthritis in women in the temporal and fractal dynamics of human gait
J Vangeneugden, L Verlaan, P Oomen, WY Liu, M Peters, N Natour, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 76, 105016, 2020
Op de Beeck HP, Wagemans J.(2008)
S Panis, J Vangeneugden
The representation of subordinate shape similarity in human occipitotemporal …, 0
Activity in areas MT+ and EBA, but not pSTS, allow prediction of perceptual states during ambiguous biological motion
J Vangeneugden, R van Ee, K Verfaillie, J Wagemans, H de Beeck
Society for Neuroscience Meeting. Society for Neuroscience, 2012
Discrimination of locomotion direction at different speeds: A comparison between macaque monkeys and algorithms
F Nater, J Vangeneugden, H Grabner, L Van Gool, R Vogels
Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues, 181-190, 2012
Functional differentiation of macaque visual temporal cortical neurons using a parameterized action space
J Vangeneugden, F Pollick, R Vogels
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 232-232, 2008
The coding of 3-D shape from shading in macaque areas TE and TEO
J Vangeneugden, K Koteles, G Orban, R Vogels
Perception 35, 34-34, 2006
Perceived similarity between objects of the same category and prototypicality gradients in the lateral occipital complex
S Panis, J Vangeneugden, R Peeters, P Van Hecke, H Op de Beeck, ...
Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience …, 2005
Neural Model for the Influence of Shading on the Multistability of the Perception of Body Motion.
L Fedorov, J Vangeneugden, MA Giese
IJCCI (NCTA), 69-76, 2016
Double dissociation between the extrastriate body area and the posterior superior temporal sulcus during biological motion perception: converging evidence from TMS and fMRI
J Vangeneugden, M Peelen, D Tadin, L Battelli
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 937-937, 2012
Human recognition of action blends
F Pollick, P McAleer, M Gleicher, J Vangeneugden, R Vogels
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 553-553, 2007
Perceptual representation of within-category similarity of everyday objects
J Vangeneugden, J Wagemans
Perception 33, 74-74, 2004
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