Ben Potter
Cited by
Cited by
A Method for Accurate Transmission Line Impedance Parameter Estimation
D Ritzmann, PS Wright, W Holderbaum, B Potter
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1-10, 2016
A peak reduction scheduling algorithm for storage devices on the low voltage network
M Rowe, T Yunusov, S Haben, C Singleton, W Holderbaum, B Potter
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 2115-2124, 2014
The real-time optimisation of DNO owned storage devices on the LV network for peak reduction
M Rowe, T Yunusov, S Haben, W Holderbaum, B Potter
Energies 7 (6), 3537-3560, 2014
The impact of location and type on the performance of low-voltage network connected battery energy storage systems
T Yunusov, D Frame, W Holderbaum, B Potter
Applied Energy 165, 202-213, 2016
Three-phase machines and drives-equipment for a laboratory-based course
SA Shirsavar, BA Potter, IML Ridge
IEEE Transactions on Education 49 (3), 383-388, 2006
A novel approach to noninvasive measurement of overhead line impedance parameters
D Ritzmann, J Rens, PS Wright, W Holderbaum, B Potter
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 66 (6), 1155-1163, 2017
Analytical calculation of resonant inductance for zero voltage switching in phase‐shifted full‐bridge converters
M Hallworth, A Ben Potter, SA Shirsavar
IET Power Electronics 6 (3), 523-534, 2013
Design, implementation and characterisation of a contactless power transfer system for rotating applications
BA Potter, SA Shirsavar
IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2168-2173, 2006
Distributed energy storage control for dynamic load impact mitigation
MJ Zangs, PBE Adams, T Yunusov, W Holderbaum, BA Potter
Energies 9 (8), 647, 2016
Small power load disaggregation in office buildings based on electrical signature classification
A Rogriguez, ST Smith, A Kiff, B Potter
2016 IEEE international energy conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
Control methodologies: Peak reduction algorithms for DNO owned storage devices on the Low Voltage network
M Rowe, W Holderbaum, B Potter
IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2013, 1-5, 2013
EV smart charging: How tariff selection influences grid stress and carbon reduction
F Daneshzand, PJ Coker, B Potter, ST Smith
Applied Energy 348, 121482, 2023
Investigation of high-efficiency wireless power transfer criteria of resonantly-coupled loops and dipoles through analysis of the figure of merit
C Moorey, W Holderbaum, B Potter
Energies 8 (10), 11342-11362, 2015
Sensitivity analysis for building energy audit calculation methods: Handling the uncertainties in small power load estimation
A Rodriguez, ST Smith, B Potter
Energy 238, 121511, 2022
Wind turbine blade pitch control system
B Potter, R Nagasaki, M Shiga
US Patent 8,070,446, 2011
Embodied carbon dioxide of network assets in a decarbonised electricity grid
L Daniels, P Coker, B Potter
Applied Energy 180, 142-154, 2016
Bond graph models of DC-DC converters operating for both CCM and DCM
A Markakis, W Holderbaum, B Potter
International Journal of Power Electronics 6 (1), 18-41, 2014
Mathematical solutions for electricity networks in a low carbon future
S Haben, M Rowe, DV Greetham, P Grindrod, W Holderbaum, B Potter, ...
22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution …, 2013
Evaluating the effectiveness of storage control in reducing peak demand on low voltage feeders
T Yunusov, S Haben, T Lee, F Ziel, W Holderbaum, B Potter
A comparison between bond graphs switching modelling techniques implemented on a boost dc-dc converter
A Markakis, W Holderbaum, B Potter
2011 IEEE 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 1-7, 2011
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Articles 1–20