Anna Bezryadina
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Cited by
Observation of two-dimensional surface solitons
X Wang, A Bezryadina, Z Chen, KG Makris, DN Christodoulides, ...
Physical review letters 98 (12), 123903, 2007
Dipole solitons in optically induced two-dimensional photonic lattices
J Yang, I Makasyuk, A Bezryadina, Z Chen
Optics letters 29 (14), 1662-1664, 2004
Anisotropic enhancement of discrete diffraction and formation of two-dimensional discrete-soliton trains
Z Chen, H Martin, ED Eugenieva, J Xu, A Bezryadina
Physical review letters 92 (14), 143902, 2004
Dipole and quadrupole solitons in optically induced two‐dimensional photonic lattices: theory and experiment
J Yang, I Makasyuk, A Bezryadina, Z Chen
Studies in applied mathematics 113 (4), 389-412, 2004
Experimental Demonstration of Localized Plasmonic Structured Illumination Microscopy
JL Ponsetto, A Bezryadina, F Wei, K Onishi, H Shen, E Huang, L Ferrari, ...
ACS nano 11 (6), 5344-5350, 2017
Observation of two-dimensional lattice vector solitons
Z Chen, A Bezryadina, I Makasyuk, J Yang
Optics letters 29 (14), 1656-1658, 2004
Nonlinear self-action of light through biological suspensions
A Bezryadina, T Hansson, R Gautam, B Wetzel, G Siggins, A Kalmbach, ...
Physical review letters 119 (5), 058101, 2017
Optical force-induced nonlinearity and self-guiding of light in human red blood cell suspensions
R Gautam, Y Xiang, J Lamstein, Y Liang, A Bezryadina, G Liang, ...
Light: Science & Applications 8 (1), 31, 2019
High spatiotemporal resolution imaging with localized plasmonic structured illumination microscopy
A Bezryadina, J Zhao, Y Xia, X Zhang, Z Liu
ACS nano 12 (8), 8248-8254, 2018
Optical disassembly of cellular clusters by tunable ‘tug-of-war’tweezers
AS Bezryadina, DC Preece, JC Chen, Z Chen
Light, science & applications 5, e16158, 2016
Self-trapping and flipping of double-charged vortices in optically induced photonic lattices
A Bezryadina, E Eugenieva, Z Chen
Optics letters 31 (16), 2456-2458, 2006
Localized plasmonic structured illumination microscopy with an optically trapped microlens
A Bezryadina, J Li, J Zhao, A Kothambawala, J Ponsetto, E Huang, ...
Nanoscale 9 (39), 14907-14912, 2017
Observation of topological transformations of optical vortices in two-dimensional photonic lattices
A Bezryadina, DN Neshev, AS Desyatnikov, J Young, Z Chen, YS Kivshar
Optics express 14 (18), 8317-8327, 2006
Guiding and nonlinear coupling of light in plasmonic nanosuspensions
TS Kelly, YX Ren, A Samadi, A Bezryadina, D Christodoulides, Z Chen
Optics letters 41 (16), 3817-3820, 2016
Air stability of TiO2/PbS colloidal nanoparticle solar cells and its impact on power efficiency
G Zhai, A Bezryadina, AJ Breeze, D Zhang, GB Alers, SA Carter
Applied Physics Letters 99 (6), 2011
Observation of one-and two-dimensional discrete surface spatial solitons
S Suntsov, KG Makris, GA Siviloglou, R Iwanow, R Schiek, ...
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 16 (04), 401-426, 2007
Experiments on Gaussian beams and vortices in optically induced photonic lattices
Z Chen, H Martin, A Bezryadina, D Neshev, YS Kivshar, ...
JOSA B 22 (7), 1395-1405, 2005
Nonlinear optical response and self-trapping of light in biological suspensions
R Gautam, A Bezryadina, Y Xiang, T Hansson, Y Liang, G Liang, ...
Advances in Physics: X 5 (1), 1778526, 2020
Manipulation and assessment of human red blood cells with tunable “tug-of-war” optical tweezers
Y Liang, G Liang, Y Xiang, J Lamstein, R Gautam, A Bezryadina, Z Chen
Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064060, 2019
Optical tug-of-war tweezers: shaping light for dynamic control of bacterial cells
J Lamstein, A Bezryadina, D Preece, JC Chen, Z Chen
Chinese Optics Letters 15 (3), 030010, 2017
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Articles 1–20