Adam Nahum
Cited by
Cited by
Operator spreading in random unitary circuits
A Nahum, S Vijay, J Haah
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021014, 2018
Quantum entanglement growth under random unitary dynamics
A Nahum, J Ruhman, S Vijay, J Haah
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031016, 2017
Measurement-induced phase transitions in the dynamics of entanglement
B Skinner, J Ruhman, A Nahum
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031009, 2019
Deconfined quantum critical points: symmetries and dualities
C Wang, A Nahum, MA Metlitski, C Xu, T Senthil
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031051, 2017
Random quantum circuits
MPA Fisher, V Khemani, A Nahum, S Vijay
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 14 (1), 335-379, 2023
Emergent statistical mechanics of entanglement in random unitary circuits
T Zhou, A Nahum
Physical Review B 99 (17), 174205, 2019
Valence Bonds in Random Quantum Magnets: Theory and Application to
I Kimchi, A Nahum, T Senthil
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031028, 2018
Deconfined quantum criticality, scaling violations, and classical loop models
A Nahum, JT Chalker, P Serna, M Ortuño, AM Somoza
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041048, 2015
Measurement and entanglement phase transitions in all-to-all quantum circuits, on quantum trees, and in Landau-Ginsburg theory
A Nahum, S Roy, B Skinner, J Ruhman
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 010352, 2021
Emergent SO (5) symmetry at the Néel to valence-bond-solid transition
A Nahum, P Serna, JT Chalker, M Ortuño, AM Somoza
Physical review letters 115 (26), 267203, 2015
Velocity-dependent Lyapunov exponents in many-body quantum, semiclassical, and classical chaos
V Khemani, DA Huse, A Nahum
Physical Review B 98 (14), 144304, 2018
Entanglement membrane in chaotic many-body systems
T Zhou, A Nahum
Physical Review X 10 (3), 031066, 2020
Coarse-grained dynamics of operator and state entanglement
C Jonay, DA Huse, A Nahum
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00089, 2018
Dynamics of entanglement and transport in one-dimensional systems with quenched randomness
A Nahum, J Ruhman, DA Huse
Physical Review B 98 (3), 035118, 2018
Entanglement and dynamics of diffusion-annihilation processes with Majorana defects
A Nahum, B Skinner
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023288, 2020
3D Loop Models and the Sigma Model
A Nahum, JT Chalker, P Serna, M Ortuno, AM Somoza
Physical review letters 107 (11), 110601, 2011
Note on Wess-Zumino-Witten models and quasiuniversality in dimensions
A Nahum
Physical Review B 102 (20), 201116, 2020
Emergence and spontaneous breaking of approximate symmetry at a weakly first-order deconfined phase transition
P Serna, A Nahum
Physical Review B 99 (19), 195110, 2019
Nonlinear sigma models for monitored dynamics of free fermions
M Fava, L Piroli, T Swann, D Bernard, A Nahum
Physical Review X 13 (4), 041045, 2023
Loop models with crossings
A Nahum, P Serna, AM Somoza, M Ortuño
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (18), 184204, 2013
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Articles 1–20