Lewin Boehnke
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Cited by
Orthogonal polynomial representation of imaginary-time Green’s functions
L Boehnke, H Hafermann, M Ferrero, F Lechermann, O Parcollet
Physical Review B 84 (7), 075145, 2011
When strong correlations become weak: Consistent merging of and DMFT
L Boehnke, F Nilsson, F Aryasetiawan, P Werner
Physical Review B 94 (20), 201106(R), 2016
Multitier self-consistent
F Nilsson, L Boehnke, P Werner, F Aryasetiawan
Physical Review Materials 1 (4), 043803, 2017
Electron correlation and magnetism at the La Al O 3/Sr Ti O 3 interface: A DFT+ DMFT investigation
F Lechermann, L Boehnke, D Grieger, C Piefke
Physical Review B 90 (8), 085125, 2014
Influence of Fock exchange in combined many-body perturbation and dynamical mean field theory
T Ayral, S Biermann, P Werner, L Boehnke
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245130, 2017
Nonequilibrium : Antiscreening and Inverted Populations from Nonlocal Correlations
D Golež, L Boehnke, HUR Strand, M Eckstein, P Werner
Physical Review Letters 118 (24), 246402, 2017
Dynamics of photodoped charge transfer insulators
D Golež, L Boehnke, M Eckstein, P Werner
Physical Review B 100 (4), 041111, 2019
Competing orders in Na x CoO 2 from strong correlations on a two-particle level
L Boehnke, F Lechermann
Physical Review B 85 (11), 115128, 2012
Multi-orbital nature of the spin fluctuations in Sr2RuO4
L Boehnke, P Werner, F Lechermann
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 122 (5), 57001, 2018
Formation of orbital-selective electron states in LaTiO 3/SrTiO 3 superlattices
F Lechermann, L Boehnke, D Grieger
Physical Review B 87 (24), 241101, 2013
Getting back to NaxCoO2: Spectral and thermoelectric properties
L Boehnke, F Lechermann
physica status solidi (a) 211 (6), 1267-1272, 2014
Considerable nonlocal electronic correlations in strongly doped Na x CoO 2
C Piefke, L Boehnke, A Georges, F Lechermann
Physical Review B 82 (16), 165118, 2010
Susceptibilities in materials with multiple strongly correlated orbitals
L Boehnke
Hamburg. Univ., 2015
Electronic correlations in vanadium chalcogenides: BaV Se3 versus BaV S3
D Grieger, L Boehnke, F Lechermann
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (27), 275601, 2010
Hidden spin-orbital hexagonal ordering induced by strong correlations in
L Boehnke, AI Lichtenstein, MI Katsnelson, F Lechermann
Physical Review B 102 (11), 115118, 2020
Generalised Susceptibilities in CTQMC
L Boehnke
Hamburg. Univ., 2010
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Articles 1–16