Aurélie Pistono
Aurélie Pistono
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Pauses during autobiographical discourse reflect episodic memory processes in early Alzheimer’s disease
A Pistono, M Jucla, EJ Barbeau, L Saint-Aubert, B Lemesle, B Calvet, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's disease 50 (3), 687-698, 2016
What happens when nothing happens? An investigation of pauses as a compensatory mechanism in early Alzheimer's disease
A Pistono, J Pariente, C Bézy, B Lemesle, J Le Men, M Jucla
Neuropsychologia 124, 133-143, 2019
Discourse macrolinguistic impairment as a marker of linguistic and extralinguistic functions decline in early Alzheimer's disease
A Pistono, M Jucla, C Bézy, B Lemesle, J Le Men, J Pariente
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 54 (3), 390-400, 2019
Language network connectivity increases in early Alzheimer’s disease
A Pistono, M Senoussi, L Guerrier, M Rafiq, M Giméno, P Péran, M Jucla, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's disease 82 (1), 447-460, 2021
Increased functional connectivity supports language performance in healthy aging despite gray matter loss
A Pistono, L Guerrier, P Péran, M Rafiq, M Giméno, C Bézy, J Pariente, ...
Neurobiology of Aging 98, 52-62, 2021
Eye-movements can help disentangle mechanisms underlying disfluency
A Pistono, RJ Hartsuiker
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36 (8), 1038-1055, 2021
Inter-individual variability in discourse informativeness in elderly populations
A Pistono, J Pariente, C Bézy, J Pastor, TM Tran, A Renard, M Fossard, ...
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 31 (5), 391-408, 2017
An analysis of famous person semantic memory in aging
A Pistono, T Busigny, M Jucla, A Cabirol, AL Dinnat, J Pariente, ...
Experimental aging research 45 (1), 74-93, 2019
Can object identification difficulty be predicted based on disfluencies and eye-movements in connected speech?
A Pistono, RJ Hartsuiker
Plos one 18 (3), e0281589, 2023
Can we track the progression of Alzheimer's Disease via lexical-semantic variables in connected speech?
M Mestach, RJ Hartsuiker, A Pistono
Journal of Neurolinguistics 70, 101189, 2024
Disfluency patterns in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration
A Pistono, J Pariente, M Jucla
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 38 (4), 345-358, 2024
The functional connectivity of language network across the life span: Disentangling the effects of typical aging from Alzheimer’s disease
M Rafiq, M Jucla, L Guerrier, P Péran, J Pariente, A Pistono
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14, 959405, 2022
Word-form related disfluency versus lemma related disfluency: An exploratory analysis of disfluency patterns in connected-speech production
A Pistono, RJ Hartsuiker
The 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, p. 99, 2022
Disfluencies reflect a... hm... competition between response options: evidence from a drift diffusion analysis
A Pistono, M Senoussi, R Hartsuiker
PsyArXiv, 2023
Speech fluency in bilinguals who stutter: Language proficiency and attentional demands as mediating factors
E Woumans, L Van der Linden, R Hartsuiker, W Duyck, C Moerenhout, ...
Journal of fluency disorders 69, 105850, 2021
A comparison of different connected-speech tasks for detecting mild cognitive impairment using multivariate pattern analysis
Y Chen, RJ Hartsuiker, A Pistono
Aphasiology, 1-24, 2024
Speech disfluencies in children with developmental dyslexia: How do they differ from typical development?
A Pistono, S Maziero, Y Chaix, M Jucla
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 59 (3), 1032-1042, 2024
Filled pauses serve a… um… communicative function: a comparison between self-directed and social speech
K Van Craeyenest, R Hartsuiker, A Pistono, A Pistono
OSF, 2024
Semantic interference affects speech production by increasing disfluencies, not errors
K Rapoeye, RJ Hartsuiker, A Pistono
Royal Society Open Science 10 (6), 230006, 2023
Exploration du discours dans le vieillissement typique et la maladie d'Alzheimer: liens avec les modifications neurocognitives sous-jacentes
A Pistono
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2017
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