Sara Grundel
Sara Grundel
MPI Magdeburg
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Cited by
Model order reduction of differential algebraic equations arising from the simulation of gas transport networks
S Grundel, L Jansen, N Hornung, T Clees, C Tischendorf, P Benner
Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations: Deskriptor 2013, 183-205, 2014
Gas network benchmark models
P Benner, S Grundel, C Himpe, C Huck, T Streubel, C Tischendorf
Applications of Differential-Algebraic Equations: Examples and Benchmarks …, 2019
Computing surrogates for gas network simulation using model order reduction
S Grundel, N Hornung, B Klaassen, P Benner, T Clees
Surrogate-Based Modeling and Optimization: Applications in Engineering, 189-212, 2013
How to coordinate vaccination and social distancing to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks
SM Grundel, S Heyder, T Hotz, TKS Ritschel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20 (2), 1135-1157, 2021
Estimating the inf-sup constant in reduced basis methods for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations
MW Hess, S Grundel, P Benner
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (11), 3549-3557, 2015
Efficient model order reduction for multi-agent systems using QR decomposition-based clustering
P Mlinarić, S Grundel, P Benner
Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on, 4794-4799, 2015
Model order reduction for gas and energy networks
C Himpe, S Grundel, P Benner
Journal of Mathematics in Industry 11 (1), 13, 2021
Efficient numerical methods for gas network modeling and simulation
Y Qiu, S Grundel, M Stoll, P Benner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.07142, 2018
How much testing and social distancing is required to control COVID-19? Some insight based on an age-differentiated compartmental model
S Grundel, S Heyder, T Hotz, TKS Ritschel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60 (2), S145-S169, 2022
Model reduction of linear multi-agent systems by clustering with H 2 and H∞ error bounds
HJ Jongsma, P Mlinarić, S Grundel, P Benner, HL Trentelman
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 30 (1), 6, 2018
New Gramians for switched linear systems: reachability, observability, and model reduction
IP Duff, S Grundel, P Benner
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (6), 2526-2535, 2019
Efficient simulation of transient gas networks using IMEX integration schemes and MOR methods
S Grundel, L Jansen
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4579-4584, 2015
Numerical aspects of model order reduction for gas transportation networks
S Grundel, N Hornung, S Roggendorf
Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization: ASDOM, Reykjavik, August 2014, 1-28, 2016
Surrogate models in bidirectional optimization of coupled microgrids
M Baumann, S Grundel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
at-Automatisierungstechnik 67 (12), 1035-1046, 2019
Synchronization and aggregation of nonlinear power systems with consideration of bus network structures
P Mlinarić, T Ishizaki, A Chakrabortty, S Grundel, P Benner, J Imura
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 2266-2271, 2018
On empirical system Gramians
S Grundel, C Himpe, J Saak
PAMM 19 (1), e201900006, 2019
MathEnergy–mathematical key technologies for evolving energy grids
T Clees, A Baldin, P Benner, S Grundel, C Himpe, B Klaassen, F Küsters, ...
Mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization for power engineering and …, 2021
Clustering-based model order reduction for nonlinear network systems
P Benner, S Grundel, P Mlinarić
Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems, 75-96, 2021
Nonlinear model reduction of dynamical power grid models using quadratization and balanced truncation
TKS Ritschel, F Weiß, M Baumann, S Grundel
at-Automatisierungstechnik 68 (12), 1022-1034, 2020
Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations II
T Reis, S Grundel, S Schöps
Springer International Publishing, 2020
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Articles 1–20