Hang Deng
Hang Deng
College of Engineering, Peking University
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Alterations of Fractures in Carbonate Rocks by CO2-Acidified Brines
H Deng, JP Fitts, D Crandall, D McIntyre, CA Peters
Environmental science & technology 49 (16), 10226-10234, 2015
Pore-scale numerical investigation of the impacts of surface roughness: Upscaling of reaction rates in rough fractures
H Deng, S Molins, D Trebotich, C Steefel, D DePaolo
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 239, 374-389, 2018
Modifications of Carbonate Fracture Hydrodynamic Properties by CO2-Acidified Brine Flow
H Deng, BR Ellis, CA Peters, JP Fitts, D Crandall, GS Bromhal
Energy & Fuels 27 (8), 4221-4231, 2013
A 2.5 D reactive transport model for fracture alteration simulation
H Deng, S Molins, C Steefel, D DePaolo, M Voltolini, L Yang, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (14), 7564-7571, 2016
Leakage risks of geologic CO2 storage and the impacts on the global energy system and climate change mitigation
H Deng, JM Bielicki, M Oppenheimer, JP Fitts, CA Peters
Climatic Change 144, 151-163, 2017
Quantifying fracture geometry with X-ray tomography: Technique of Iterative Local Thresholding (TILT) for 3D image segmentation
H Deng, JP Fitts, CA Peters
Computational Geosciences 20, 231-244, 2016
Fracture evolution in multimineral systems: The role of mineral composition, flow rate, and fracture aperture heterogeneity
H Deng, C Steefel, S Molins, D DePaolo
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (2), 112-124, 2018
Modeling reactive transport processes in fractures
H Deng, N Spycher
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 85 (1), 49-74, 2019
Alteration and erosion of rock matrix bordering a carbonate-rich shale fracture
H Deng, M Voltolini, S Molins, C Steefel, D DePaolo, J Ajo-Franklin, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (15), 8861-8868, 2017
Multi-scale model of reactive transport in fractured media: diffusion limitations on rates
S Molins, D Trebotich, B Arora, CI Steefel, H Deng
Transport in Porous Media 128 (2), 701-721, 2019
The Leakage Risk Monetization Model for Geologic CO2 Storage
JM Bielicki, MF Pollak, H Deng, EJ Wilson, JP Fitts, CA Peters
Environmental science & technology 50 (10), 4923-4931, 2016
A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration
H Deng, M Gharasoo, L Zhang, Z Dai, A Hajizadeh, CA Peters, ...
Applied Geochemistry 146, 105445, 2022
A reactive transport modeling perspective on the dynamics of interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation
H Deng, J Poonoosamy, S Molins
Applied geochemistry 137, 105207, 2022
Evolution of planar fractures in limestone: The role of flow rate, mineral heterogeneity and local transport processes
C Noiriel, H Deng
Chemical Geology 497, 100-114, 2018
Rainfall regime in Three Gorges area in China and the control factors
Z Fang, D Hang, Z Xinyi
International Journal of Climatology 30 (9), 1396-1406, 2010
Reactive transport simulation of fracture channelization and transmissivity evolution
H Deng, CA Peters
Environmental engineering science 36 (1), 90-101, 2019
A pore‐scale investigation of mineral precipitation driven diffusivity change at the column‐scale
H Deng, C Tournassat, S Molins, F Claret, CI Steefel
Water Resources Research 57 (5), e2020WR028483, 2021
Investigation of coupled processes in fractures and the bordering matrix via a micro‐continuum reactive transport model
Q Zhang, H Deng, Y Dong, S Molins, X Li, C Steefel
Water Resources Research 58 (2), e2021WR030578, 2022
Combination of MRI and SEM to assess changes in the chemical properties and permeability of porous media due to barite precipitation
J Poonoosamy, S Haber-Pohlmeier, H Deng, G Deissmann, ...
Minerals 10 (3), 226, 2020
Acid Erosion of Carbonate Fractures and Accessibility of Arsenic-Bearing Minerals: In Operando Synchrotron-Based Microfluidic Experiment
H Deng, JP Fitts, RV Tappero, JJ Kim, CA Peters
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (19), 12502-12510, 2020
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