Urban Fasel
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Cited by
Ensemble-SINDy: Robust sparse model discovery in the low-data, high-noise limit, with active learning and control
U Fasel, JN Kutz, BW Brunton, SL Brunton
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 478 (2260), 20210904, 2022
PySINDy: A comprehensive Python package for robust sparse system identification
AA Kaptanoglu, BM de Silva, U Fasel, K Kaheman, AJ Goldschmidt, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.08481, 2021
Composite additive manufacturing of morphing aerospace structures
U Fasel, D Keidel, L Baumann, G Cavolina, M Eichenhofer, P Ermanni
Manufacturing Letters 23, 85-88, 2020
Concurrent design of a morphing aerofoil with variable stiffness bi-stable laminates
IK Kuder, U Fasel, P Ermanni, AF Arrieta
Smart materials and structures 25 (11), 115001, 2016
Sindy with control: A tutorial
U Fasel, E Kaiser, JN Kutz, BW Brunton, SL Brunton
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 16-21, 2021
Aerostructural optimization of a morphing wing for airborne wind energy applications
U Fasel, D Keidel, G Molinari, P Ermanni
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (9), 095043, 2017
Data-driven nonlinear aeroelastic models of morphing wings for control
N Fonzi, SL Brunton, U Fasel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2239), 20200079, 2020
Reduced-order dynamic model of a morphing airborne wind energy aircraft
U Fasel, P Tiso, D Keidel, G Molinari, P Ermanni
AIAA journal 57 (8), 3586-3598, 2019
Reference design and simulation framework of a multi-megawatt airborne wind energy system
D Eijkelhof, S Rapp, U Fasel, M Gaunaa, R Schmehl
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (3), 032020, 2020
Benchmarking sparse system identification with low-dimensional chaos
AA Kaptanoglu, L Zhang, ZG Nicolaou, U Fasel, SL Brunton
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (14), 13143-13164, 2023
The balanced mode decomposition algorithm for data-driven LPV low-order models of aeroservoelastic systems
A Iannelli, U Fasel, RS Smith
Aerospace Science and Technology 115, 106821, 2021
Aeroservoelastic optimization of morphing airborne wind energy wings
U Fasel, D Keidel, G Molinari, P Ermanni
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1217, 2019
Control authority of a camber morphing flying wing
D Keidel, U Fasel, P Ermanni
Journal of Aircraft 57 (4), 603-614, 2020
Wing twisting by elastic instability: A purely passive approach
F Runkel, U Fasel, G Molinari, AF Arrieta, P Ermanni
Composite Structures 206, 750-761, 2018
Data-driven unsteady aeroelastic modeling for control
MK Hickner, U Fasel, AG Nair, BW Brunton, SL Brunton
AIAA Journal 61 (2), 780-792, 2023
Experimental validation of a morphing wing for airborne wind energy applications
D Keidel, U Fasel, L Baumann, G Molinari, P Ermanni
28th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST …, 2017
Convergence of uncertainty estimates in ensemble and Bayesian sparse model discovery
L Gao, U Fasel, SL Brunton, JN Kutz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12649, 2023
Concept investigation of a lightweight composite lattice morphing wing
D Keidel, U Fasel, P Ermanni
AIAA Journal 59 (6), 2242-2250, 2021
High load carrying structures made from folded composite materials
A Schlothauer, U Fasel, D Keidel, P Ermanni
Composite Structures 250, 112612, 2020
Design, development, and structural testing of a camber-morphing flying wing airplane
D Keidel, U Fasel, G Molinari, P Ermanni
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 58264, V002T04A013, 2017
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Articles 1–20