Jacob R. Cheeseman
Jacob R. Cheeseman
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Solid shape discrimination from vision and haptics: Natural objects (Capsicum annuum) and Gibson’s “feelies”
JF Norman, F Phillips, JS Holmin, HF Norman, AM Beers, AM Boswell, ...
Experimental Brain Research 222 (3), 321-332, 2012
Aging and curvature discrimination from static and dynamic touch
JF Norman, AML Kappers, JR Cheeseman, C Ronning, KE Thomason, ...
PLOS ONE 8 (7), e68577, 2013
The effect of age upon the perception of 3-D shape from motion
JF Norman, JR Cheeseman, J Pyles, MW Baxter, KE Thomason, ...
Vision Research 93, 54-61, 2013
Dynamic cutaneous information is sufficient for precise curvature discrimination
JR Cheeseman, JF Norman, AML Kappers
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 25473, 2016
Aging and solid shape recognition: Vision and haptics
JF Norman, JR Cheeseman, OC Adkins, AG Cox, CE Rogers, CJ Dowell, ...
Vision Research 115 (Part A), 113–118, 2015
Scaling and discriminability of perceived gloss
JR Cheeseman, JA Ferwerda, FJ Maile, RW Fleming
JOSA A 38 (2), 203-210, 2021
Aging and the discrimination of 3-D shape from motion and binocular disparity
JF Norman, JS Holmin, AM Beers, JR Cheeseman, C Ronning, ...
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 1512-1521, 2012
Perceiving object shape from specular highlight deformation, boundary contour deformation, and active haptic manipulation
JF Norman, F Phillips, JR Cheeseman, KE Thomason, C Ronning, ...
PLOS ONE 11 (2), e0149058, 2016
Aging and visual length discrimination: Sequential dependencies, biases, and the effects of multiple implicit standards
JF Norman, JR Cheeseman, MW Baxter, KE Thomason, OC Adkins, ...
Vision Research 98, 89-98, 2014
Color and gloss constancy under diverse lighting environments
T Morimoto, A Akbarinia, K Storrs, JR Cheeseman, HE Smithson, ...
Journal of vision 23 (7), 8-8, 2023
Scale ambiguities in material recognition
JR Cheeseman, RW Fleming, F Schmidt
iScience, 103970, 2022
Predicting gloss sensitivity across variations in surface shape, illumination and viewpoint
JR Cheeseman, JA Ferwerda, T Morimoto, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5362-5362, 2023
Gloss discrimination: Towards an image-based perceptual model
JR Cheeseman, J Ferwerda, T Morimoto, R Fleming
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