Lachlan Rogers
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Cited by
Indistinguishable photons from separated silicon-vacancy centers in diamond
A Sipahigil, KD Jahnke, LJ Rogers, T Teraji, J Isoya, AS Zibrov, F Jelezko, ...
Physical review letters 113 (11), 113602, 2014
Germanium-vacancy single color centers in diamond
T Iwasaki, F Ishibashi, Y Miyamoto, Y Doi, S Kobayashi, T Miyazaki, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12882, 2015
Multiple intrinsically identical single-photon emitters in the solid state
LJ Rogers, KD Jahnke, T Teraji, L Marseglia, C Müller, B Naydenov, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4739, 2014
Quantum nonlinear optics with a germanium-vacancy color center in a nanoscale diamond waveguide
MK Bhaskar, DD Sukachev, A Sipahigil, RE Evans, MJ Burek, CT Nguyen, ...
Physical review letters 118 (22), 223603, 2017
Low temperature studies of the excited-state structure of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond
A Batalov, V Jacques, F Kaiser, P Siyushev, P Neumann, LJ Rogers, ...
Physical review letters 102 (19), 195506, 2009
All-optical initialization, readout, and coherent preparation of single silicon-vacancy spins in diamond
LJ Rogers, KD Jahnke, MH Metsch, A Sipahigil, JM Binder, T Teraji, ...
Physical review letters 113 (26), 263602, 2014
Electron–phonon processes of the silicon-vacancy centre in diamond
KD Jahnke, A Sipahigil, JM Binder, MW Doherty, M Metsch, LJ Rogers, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 043011, 2015
Observation of the Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect in the Excited States<? format?> of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
KMC Fu, C Santori, PE Barclay, LJ Rogers, NB Manson, RG Beausoleil
Physical Review Letters 103 (25), 256404, 2009
Excited-state spectroscopy of single NV defects in diamond using optically detected magnetic resonance
P Neumann, R Kolesov, V Jacques, J Beck, J Tisler, A Batalov, L Rogers, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (1), 013017, 2009
Infrared emission of the NV centre in diamond: Zeeman and uniaxial stress studies
LJ Rogers, S Armstrong, MJ Sellars, NB Manson
New Journal of Physics 10 (10), 103024, 2008
Spectroscopy of surface-induced noise using shallow spins in diamond
Y Romach, C Müller, T Unden, LJ Rogers, T Isoda, KM Itoh, M Markham, ...
Physical review letters 114 (1), 017601, 2015
Electronic structure of the negatively charged silicon-vacancy center in diamond
LJ Rogers, KD Jahnke, MW Doherty, A Dietrich, LP McGuinness, C Müller, ...
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235101, 2014
Optical and microwave control of germanium-vacancy center spins in diamond
P Siyushev, MH Metsch, A Ijaz, JM Binder, MK Bhaskar, DD Sukachev, ...
Physical Review B 96 (8), 081201, 2017
Qudi: A modular python suite for experiment control and data processing
JM Binder, A Stark, N Tomek, J Scheuer, F Frank, KD Jahnke, C Müller, ...
SoftwareX 6, 85-90, 2017
Time-averaging within the excited state of the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond
LJ Rogers, RL McMurtrie, MJ Sellars, NB Manson
New Journal of Physics 11 (6), 063007, 2009
Isotopically varying spectral features of silicon-vacancy in diamond
A Dietrich, KD Jahnke, JM Binder, T Teraji, J Isoya, LJ Rogers, F Jelezko
New Journal of Physics 16 (11), 113019, 2014
Nanodiamonds carrying silicon-vacancy quantum emitters with almost lifetime-limited linewidths
U Jantzen, AB Kurz, DS Rudnicki, C Schäfermeier, KD Jahnke, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 073036, 2016
Array of bright silicon-vacancy centers in diamond fabricated by low-energy focused ion beam implantation
S Tamura, G Koike, A Komatsubara, T Teraji, S Onoda, LP McGuinness, ...
Applied Physics Express 7 (11), 115201, 2014
Homoepitaxial diamond film growth: High purity, high crystalline quality, isotopic enrichment, and single color center formation
T Teraji, T Yamamoto, K Watanabe, Y Koide, J Isoya, S Onoda, ...
physica status solidi (a) 212 (11), 2365-2384, 2015
Singlet levels of the NV− centre in diamond
LJ Rogers, MW Doherty, MSJ Barson, S Onoda, T Ohshima, NB Manson
New Journal of Physics 17 (1), 013048, 2015
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Articles 1–20