Lutz Frommberger
Lutz Frommberger
Sahana Software Foundation
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Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning in the SparQ-toolbox
JO Wallgrün, L Frommberger, D Wolter, F Dylla, C Freksa
Spatial Cognition V Reasoning, Action, Interaction: International Conference …, 2007
A relative orientation algebra with adjustable granularity
R Moratz, F Dylla, L Frommberger
Proceedings of the workshop on agents in real-time and dynamic environments …, 2005
Generating adaptive route instructions using hierarchical reinforcement learning
H Cuayáhuitl, N Dethlefs, L Frommberger, KF Richter, J Bateman
Spatial Cognition VII: International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2010, Mt …, 2010
SailAway: Formalizing navigation rules
F Dylla, L Frommberger, JO Wallgrün, D Wolter, B Nebel, S Wölfl
Proceedings of the Artificial and Ambient Intelligence Symposium on Spatial …, 2007
Machine learning for interactive systems and robots: a brief introduction
H Cuayáhuitl, M Van Otterlo, N Dethlefs, L Frommberger
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems …, 2013
SparQ: A toolbox for qualitative spatial representation and reasoning
F Dylla, L Frommberger, JO Wallgrün, D Wolter
Qualitative Constraint Calculi: Application and Integration, Workshop at KI …, 2006
Mobile4D: crowdsourced disaster alerting and reporting
L Frommberger, F Schmid
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and …, 2013
Situation awareness in crowdsensing for disease surveillance in crisis situations
P Haddawy, L Frommberger, T Kauppinen, G De Felice, P Charkratpahu, ...
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on information and …, 2015
Learning to behave in space: A qualitative spatial representation for robot navigation with reinforcement learning
L Frommberger
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 17 (03), 465-482, 2008
Structural knowledge transfer by spatial abstraction for reinforcement learning agents
L Frommberger, D Wolter
Adaptive Behavior 18 (6), 507-525, 2010
Qualitative spatial abstraction in reinforcement learning
L Frommberger
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Micro-mapping with smartphones for monitoring agricultural development
L Frommberger, F Schmid, C Cai
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development, 1-2, 2013
Representing and selecting landmarks in autonomous learning of robot navigation
L Frommberger
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: First International Conference, ICIRA …, 2008
Real-time 3d map building for local navigation of a walking robot in unstructured terrain
B Gassmann, L Frommberger, R Dillmann, K Berns
Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2003
SailAway: Spatial Cognition in Sea Navigation.
D Wolter, F Dylla, S Wölfl, JO Wallgrün, L Frommberger, B Nebel, ...
Künstliche Intell. 22 (1), 28-30, 2008
SparQ user manual v0. 7
JO Wallgrün, L Frommberger, F Dylla, D Wolter
User manual, University of Bremen, 2009
Generalization and transfer learning in noise-affected robot navigation tasks
L Frommberger
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 508-519, 2007
A Generalizing Spatial Representation for Robot Navigation with Reinforcement Learning.
L Frommberger
FLAIRS, 586-591, 2007
Pictographs in disaster communication for linguistically challenged and illiterate populations: A survey on background and existing practices
L Frommberger, N Waidyanatha
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2017
Spatial abstraction: Aspectualization, coarsening, and conceptual classification
L Frommberger, D Wolter
Spatial Cognition VI. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space …, 2008
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