Ananda Sanagavarapu Mohan
Cited by
Cited by
A hybrid boundary condition for robust particle swarm optimization
T Huang, AS Mohan
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE 4, 112-117, 2005
A systematic design method to obtain broadband characteristics for singly-fed electromagnetically coupled patch antennas for circular polarization
KL Chung, AS Mohan
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 51 (12), 3239-3248, 2003
Microwave antenna for medical ablation
HM Chiu, A Sanagavarapu, S Thomas, D Ross, D Guy
US Patent App. 10/550,235, 2006
A study of microwave transmission, reflection, absorption, and shielding effectiveness of conducting polypyrrole films
A Kaynak, J Unsworth, R Clout, AS Mohan, GE Beard
Journal of applied polymer science 54 (3), 269-278, 1994
Beamspace time-reversal microwave imaging for breast cancer detection
MD Hossain, AS Mohan, MJ Abedin
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 12, 241-244, 2013
A microparticle swarm optimizer for the reconstruction of microwave images
T Huang, AS Mohan
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 55 (3), 568-576, 2007
Analysis of a novel expanded tip wire (ETW) antenna for microwave ablation of cardiac arrhythmias
HM Chiu, AS Mohan, AR Weily, DJR Guy, DL Ross
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 50 (7), 890-899, 2003
Micro-particle swarm optimizer for solving high dimensional optimization problems (μPSO for high dimensional optimization problems)
T Huang, AS Mohan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 181 (2), 1148-1154, 2006
Ray tube tracing method for predicting indoor channel characteristics map
H Suzuki, AS Mohan
Electronics Letters 33 (17), 1495-1496, 1997
A circularly polarized stacked electromagnetically coupled patch antenna
KL Chung, AS Mohan
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 52 (5), 1365-1369, 2004
Measurement and prediction of high spatial resolution indoor radio channel characteristic map
H Suzuki, AS Mohan
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 49 (4), 1321-1333, 2000
Techniques for implementation of the FDTD method on a CM-5 parallel computer
ZM Liu, AS Mohan, TA Aubrey, WR Belcher
Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE 37 (5), 64-71, 1995
Experimental investigation of indoor MIMO Ricean channel capacity
Z Tang, AS Mohan
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 4, 55-58, 2005
Cancer detection in highly dense breasts using coherently focused time-reversal microwave imaging
MD Hossain, AS Mohan
IEEE Transactions on computational imaging 3 (4), 928-939, 2017
Angles-of-arrival of multipath signals in indoor environments
JG Wang, AS Mohan, TA Aubrey
Vehicular Technology Conference, 1996.'Mobile Technology for the Human Race …, 1996
Segmented-Locally-One-Dimensional-FDTD Method for EM Propagation Inside Large Complex Tunnel Environments
MM Rana, AS Mohan
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 48 (2), 223-226, 2012
Novel bridge-loop reader for positioning with HF RFID under sparse tag grid
MY Ahmad, AS Mohan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (1), 555-566, 2013
Modelling of combination therapy using implantable anticancer drug delivery with thermal ablation in solid tumor
M Al-Zu’bi, A Mohan
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19366, 2020
Modeling of ligand-receptor protein interaction in biodegradable spherical bounded biological micro-environments
MM Al-Zu’bi, AS Mohan
IEEE Access 6, 25007-25018, 2018
Miniaturized slot PIFA antenna for tripleband implantable biomedical applications
F Gozasht, AS Mohan
2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless …, 2013
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Articles 1–20