Stephen Porder
Stephen Porder
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Terrestrial phosphorus limitation: mechanisms, implications, and nitrogen–phosphorus interactions
PM Vitousek, S Porder, BZ Houlton, OA Chadwick
Ecological applications 20 (1), 5-15, 2010
Relationships among net primary productivity, nutrients and climate in tropical rain forest: a pan‐tropical analysis
CC Cleveland, AR Townsend, P Taylor, S Alvarez‐Clare, ...
Ecology letters 14 (9), 939-947, 2011
Understanding ecosystem retrogression
DA Peltzer, DA Wardle, VJ Allison, WT Baisden, RD Bardgett, ...
Ecological Monographs 80 (4), 509-529, 2010
The phosphorus cost of agricultural intensification in the tropics
ED Roy, PD Richards, LA Martinelli, LD Coletta, SRM Lins, FF Vazquez, ...
Nature plants 2 (5), 1-6, 2016
The phosphorus concentration of common rocks—a potential driver of ecosystem P status
S Porder, S Ramachandran
Plant and soil 367, 41-55, 2013
Uplift, erosion, and phosphorus limitation in terrestrial ecosystems
S Porder, PM Vitousek, OA Chadwick, CP Chamberlain, GE Hilley
Ecosystems 10, 159-171, 2007
Erosion and the rejuvenation of weathering-derived nutrient supply in an old tropical landscape
P Vitousek, O Chadwick, P Matson, S Allison, L Derry, L Kettley, A Luers, ...
Ecosystems 6, 762-772, 2003
Competition between erosion and reaction kinetics in controlling silicate-weathering rates
GE Hilley, CP Chamberlain, S Moon, S Porder, SD Willett
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 293 (1-2), 191-199, 2010
Chemical weathering, mass loss, and dust inputs across a climate by time matrix in the Hawaiian Islands
S Porder, GE Hilley, OA Chadwick
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258 (3-4), 414-427, 2007
Assessing nutrient limitation in complex forested ecosystems: alternatives to large‐scale fertilization experiments
BW Sullivan, S Alvarez-Clare, SC Castle, S Porder, SC Reed, L Schreeg, ...
Ecology 95 (3), 668-681, 2014
A framework for predicting global silicate weathering and CO2 drawdown rates over geologic time-scales
GE Hilley, S Porder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (44), 16855-16859, 2008
Topographic controls on soil nitrogen availability in a lowland tropical forest
SR Weintraub, PG Taylor, S Porder, CC Cleveland, GP Asner, ...
Ecology 96 (6), 1561-1574, 2015
Conversion to soy on the Amazonian agricultural frontier increases streamflow without affecting stormflow dynamics
SJ Hayhoe, C Neill, S Porder, R McHorney, P Lefebvre, MT Coe, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (5), 1821-1833, 2011
Climate and soil‐age constraints on nutrient uplift and retention by plants
S Porder, OA Chadwick
Ecology 90 (3), 623-636, 2009
Watershed responses to Amazon soya bean cropland expansion and intensification
C Neill, MT Coe, SH Riskin, AV Krusche, H Elsenbeer, MN Macedo, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Parent material and topography determine soil phosphorus status in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico
SM Mage, S Porder
Ecosystems 16, 284-294, 2013
Ground-based and remotely sensed nutrient availability across a tropical landscape
S Porder, GP Asner, PM Vitousek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (31), 10909-10912, 2005
Erosion and landscape development affect plant nutrient status in the Hawaiian Islands
S Porder, A Paytan, PM Vitousek
Oecologia 142, 440-449, 2005
Nutrient acquisition, soil phosphorus partitioning and competition among trees in a lowland tropical rain forest
MK Nasto, BB Osborne, Y Lekberg, GP Asner, CS Balzotti, S Porder, ...
New Phytologist 214 (4), 1506-1517, 2017
Soil phosphorus sorption capacity after three decades of intensive fertilization in Mato Grosso, Brazil
ED Roy, E Willig, PD Richards, LA Martinelli, FF Vazquez, L Pegorini, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249, 206-214, 2017
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Articles 1–20